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    On January 16 at 10:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall of the National library of the RK took place the panel by the theme “The centenary of “Kazak” newspaper and the destinies of the national intelligentsia”, there within the framework of the panel took place the presentation of the series “Uly dala tulgalary” published by the Interdisciplinary scientific programme of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This activity was organized by the Institute of history of the state of the Committee of science of the Ministry of science and education of the RK.

    “Kazak” newspaper was published from 1913 to 1918, where there were published mainly the works of the figures who stood at the origins of our statehood. The study of their legacy preserves their viability and acquires a special topicality in the light of solution of tasks for the formation of new Kazakhstani patriotism and historical consciousness of the nation, civil responsibility of the intelligentsia that were posed in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan named “The strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”: the new political course of the matured state” and also in a number of speeches of the Head of state.

    For the implementation of this task there are conducive the new researches of the scientists which are carried out within the framework of the Interdisciplinary scientific programme “Gylymi kazyna” initiated by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the given programme there is begun already the publication of the new book series “Uly dala tulgalary” dedicated to the most bright state and public figures, talented representatives of science and culture of Kazakhstan in different times and which has a huge scientific, public-political and moral importance.

   The purpose of the given series is the popularization of the historical facts and examples, the knowledge about the prominent figures in the history of Kazakhstan, the formation of public consciousness in the spirit of Kazakhstani patriotism, creative activity and strengthening of the potential of Independence.

   There within the framework of the panel took place the presentation of the first three books from the given series published by the scientists of the Institute of history of the state. The series begins with the book about the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the nation and the founder of the independent state – N.A.Nazarbayev.

   The monograph “Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Kazakhstani model of the state building (the historical aspect)” is dedicated to the activity of the Head of state, which took place at the frontier of the greatest historical epochs – the disintegration of the USSR and the establishment of independent Kazakhstan.

   The list of new books is continued by the following editions having great historical significance: “Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev – the founder of the independent state” (in the Bulgarian language), The scientific-popular edition “Kazakhstannyn zhana tarikhy” consisting of three volumes, The book-album “The history of formation of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Nursultan Nazarbayev zhane Tauyelsyz Kazakstan: bibliographiyalyk korsetkish”, The collective monograph “The truth about the famine in 1932-1933”.

   The logical supplement and continuation of the given book was the collection of materials of the International scientific conference “Famine in Kazakhstan: tragedy of the people and lessons of history”. There in the work of the panel participated the public figures, respresentatives of creative and scientific intelligentsia: The deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK, doctor of science (history), professor K.Burkhanov, Professor, doctor of science (history) of the Kazakh National university after Al-Farabi K.Atabyev, Professors, doctors of science (history), professors of the Kazakh National university after Abai: M.Koigeldiyev, Kh.Suteyeva, G.Zhugenbayeva, Director of the Institute of archeology after A.Margulan, doctor of science (history), professor B.Baitanayev, The public figures: K.Kaptagayev, S.Kenzhebayev, S.Kurmangozhin, The grandchildren of Ermekov: enterpreneur O.M.Ermekov, I.Ermekova, M.Mazhitova, G.Simonyan, The son of Zh.Tashenov’s brother K.Tashenov.

   The speakers noted that the books from the series “Uly dala tulgalary” written from new methodological standpoints are a contribution into the study of the modern history of Kazakhstan and thanked the authors’ collective of the Institute of history of the state for the work implemented: the doctors of science (history) B.G.Ayagan, Zh.U.Kydyralina, A.M.Aunasova, S.Zh.Dyuisen, the candidate of science (history) K.A.Ensenov and others.

   From the fond of rare books and manuscripts of the National library of the RK there were presented to the wide circle of readers the first numbers of “Kazak” newspaper of 1914.

   There within the framework of the panel took place the council of the heads of the leading domestic scientific-research institutes of the socio-humanitarian profile dedicated to the main trends of implementation of the programme “Gylymi kazyna” for 2012-2014.

   There in the activity participated the deputies of the Parliament of the RK, academicians of the NAS of the RK, public figures, scientists-historians, directors of scientific institutes, teachers and students of institutes, mass-media representatives.



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