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There at the National library of the RK took place the solemn opening of the book exhibition “The way to Europe – the way to civilization”, organized by the National library of the RK within the framework of implementation of “The way to Europe” State Programme is timed to the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the OSCE in 2010.

“The way to Europe” State Programme for 2009-2011 is elaborated in accordance with the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan in 2008 and approved by the Decree of the President of the RK dated August 29, 2008 #653.

The purpose of the Programme is to enable the Republic of Kazakhstan to come out onto the level of strategic partnership with the leading European countries.

The implementation of the tasks of development and deepening cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the following trends: the technological, the energetic; in the sphere of transportation; in the sphere of technical regulation and metrology; the trade-economic; in the development of lesser and middle business; in the sphere of quality of life; in the humanitarian measurement and also the perfection of the Kazakhstani institutional-legal base with the use of the positive European experience will enable the Republic of Kazakhstan to come out onto the level of strategic partnership with the leading European countries in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres.

The National library of the RK contributes to the implementation of the given programme, presenting upon the book exhibition the informational resources in the sphere of modern equipment and technologies, the achievements in medicine, the intellectual thought of Europe.

There at the book exhibition “The way to Europe – the way to civilization” is presented the chronicles of cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the OSCE and the European Union.

The purpose of the exhibition is to provide wide access for library readers to the rich intellectual heritage of Europe from the fonds of the NLRK. There are kept in the fonds editions in 117 languages of the world in all branches of knowledge with the chronological embrace between the years of 1523 and 2010.

The chapters of each country are preceded by the information about the country in the Kazakh and English languages: the form of rule, state symbols, the year of formation, the general geographical data etc.

The book exhibition presents more than 5000 editions from the intellectual heritage of the European civilization.

Solemnly opening the exhibition, Director-General of the National library of the RK Orynbassar Issakhov briefly acquainted the participants with its main purposes.

There in the solemn opening of the book exhibition “The way to Europe – the way to civilization” participated: the Chairman of the Committee of culture of the Ministry of culture of the RK I.M.Kozybayev; councilor of the minister of foreign affairs of the RK M.A.Nurmagambetov; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the RK Stefan Lloyd Millar; councilor of the General consulate of the RF E.K.Karasal, deputy Councillor on the issues of culture and cooperation of the Representation of the Embassy of France to the RK Y.Shitterer; head of the secretariat of the Assembly of the peoples of Kazakhstan A.Zh.Tursumuratova etc.

The book exhibition will be open till December, 2010

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