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There in the Centre of cultural programmes of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book of the well-known scientist-demographer M.B.Tatimov “Elbasy zhane el sany”. The author was also present at the presentation. This activity was organized jointly with the publishing-house of the “Arys” foundation. 

Makash Tatimov studied at the same level with President N.A.Nazarbayev in the technical school #8 in Dneprodzerzhinsk.

The book was written by the project of the director of the “Arys” foundation, scientist and journalist Garifolla Anes in the form of a conversation with the professor, doctor of science (politics) M.B.Tatimov about the student life, the human qualities, the gender policy of the President and generally about the demographical development of the population of Kazakhstan. 

There within the framework of the presentation the publishing-house of the “Arys” foundation widely presented at the exhibition its publications for the past several years of its activity – the reference, scientific-cognitive, historical-research, medical and fiction literature and study manuals. the whole of the literature was subsequently donated to the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There in the presentation participated Director-General of the NLRK O.I.Issakhov, the president of the “Arys” foundation G.Anes, the students who studied together with M.B.Tatimov – T.Isayev, Z.Imandinov, his pupil A.Gali, the workers of the republican and city libraries, mass-media and library readers. The representatives of the libraries and all the participants received from the author the presented book.

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