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There at the National library of the RK took place the presentation of the project “Cultural heritage – the way for the spiritual revival of the people” and the unique book series of the Kazakh folklore “Babalar sozi”. 

Thanks to the implementation of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan there saw the light the unique books, including the best specimens of national literature, national folklore and written literature, the achievements of the world scientific thought, culture and literature translated from different languages.

Among the significant projects of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme is the creation and publication of the 100-volume “Babalar sozi” register, in which there is widely represented all the genre and aesthetic richness of the Kazakh folklore. The preparation and publication of this unique series of books are implemented by the Institute of literature and art of the Ministry of education and science of the RK under the general guidance of the academician S.A.Kaskabasov and the “Foliant” publishing house in Astana city, which take active part in the implementation of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme.

Speaking at the session with the members of the Public council for the implementation of the “Cultural heritage” programme (January 27, 2005, Almaty city), the President of the republic N.Nazarbayev formulated 6 tasks in the sphere of culture, one of which is the creation of the conditions for the replenishment of the libraries’ fonds with the books from the series “Babalar sozi” (“The precept of the forefathers”). “It is necessary that all the higher educational establishments, state employees, medical workers and teachers subscribe to these editions”, - noted the head of the state. 

As for today, there were prepared and published 52 volumes from the series “Babalar sozi”, into which there came the multi-century unique monuments of the folk-poetical creative activity, which are indispensable and very important part of the spiritual culture of the people. 

“Babalar sozi” is the first step in the creation of such codes in Turkic studies, which do not have any analogues. The publication of this unique edition will be conducive to the more widespread highlighting of the history of the spiritual culture of the people, more adequate and system-whole perception of the past and the present of the Kazakhs, and also the process of integration of the original Kazakh culture into the world spiritual-intellectual, artistic and scientific process.

There in the presentation of the series of Kazakh popular folklore “Babalar sozi” participated the scientific and creative elite of the republic, the publishers, representatives from the sphere of education and culture, the state and public organizations. The presentation was opened with the word of greeting by Director-General of the National library O.I.Issakhov.

There in the discussions participated director of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov, academician of the Ministry of education and science of the RK, doctor of science (philology) S.A.Kaskabasov; heads of the departments of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov doctor of science (philology) B.U.Azibayeva, doctor of science (art) S.A.Kuzembayeva; candidate of science (philology) S.K.Kosan; and also the publisher, writer, doctor of science (pedagogy) R.Mazhenkyzy; chief editor of the magazines “Alem adebiety” and “Literary Kazakhstan” K.Yusup; director of the “Kazakhstan” publishing house N.Orazbek.

The organizers of the presentation are the “Foliant” publishing house, the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the RK, the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Administration of the President of the RK, the Central apparatus of the Popular-Democratic Party “Nur-Otan”.

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