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   There by the initiative of the National library of the RK on April 21, 2011 at 10:00 hours is held the council of directors for the discussion of the project of Branch programme of library-informational backing of the industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014.

   The project “The Branch programme of library-informational backing of the industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014” is directed upon the implementation and support of the state establishment for the quick-tempo industrial-innovational development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The library starts the implementation of its large-scale programme of renovation of the informational-resource potential of the libraries of the system of the Ministry of culture of the RK.

    There will be given a new vector to the library infrastructure as a competitive subject of the informational space on the republican and regional level.

   The project is implemented with the purpose of stimulation of the fonds’ attractiveness in support of industrialization and the growth of investment attractiveness of the regions.

    The focus of all the activities of the Branch programme is upon the 4 important priorities:

·        The formation of the library fonds of the national libraries and the Regional Universal Scientific Libraries by the thematics of the industrial-innovational development of the region;

·        The organization of access of the libraries to the world networked electronic resources;

·        The inculcation of the modern IT-technologies into the work of the regional informational centres;

·        The organization of the all-republican centre of management and coordination at the NLRK in library-informational backing of the industrial-innovational development of the state.

   There within the context of the state enterprise of the quick-tempo industrial-innovational development the Branch library programme is considered by the elaborators as the instrument for the generation and replenishment of the fonds with the high-technological, science-packed information, which takes into account the peculiarities of the socio-economic development of the region as well as the whole of the republic. 

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