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   The collective of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan congratulates the greatest jurist-scientist, public figure, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic Kazakhstan Salyk Zimanov with the meritorious jubilee and opens up the personal book-illustrative exhibition “Salyk Zimanov – patriot, citizen, scientist”, dedicated to his life and activity.

   The exhibition includes the six main parts: “The youth and military biography”,  “The strategist of national-state building”,  “The scientific and pedagogical activity”, “The great men about great men”,  “About S.Zimanov”, “The meritorious pupils”.

    There in the first part are presented the encyclopaedic editions, including information about the life and activity of the academician, the materials about the lesser Motherland, the family, the battle path from the rank-and-file soldier to the guards’ major, about the front, the wounds, the awards.

    There in the next part are the books, scientific monographs by S.Zimanov that characterize his activity as the deputy, chairman of different committees of the legislative organ and the ideologist of the forming independent state.

    The third part of the exhibition presents the scientific and pedagogical activity of S.Zimanov as the jurist-scientist, professor, academician, leader of the legal science of Kazakhstan.

    The fourth part are the materials of the researches of S.Zimanov about the great biis of the Kazakh people Tole-bi, Kazybek-bi and Aiteke-bi, and also the scientific articles and reports about the thinkers and public figures Abai, Ch.Ualiklhanov, M.Seralin, the First President of independent Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev.

    The fifth part of the exhibition includes the sayings of prominent people S.Udartsev, G.Alimzhanova, S.Sartayev and others about academician Zimanov.

    In the concludinmg part visitors will find materials about his pupils and about their scientific works.

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