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     On December 20 there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the selected pedagogical works in thirty volumes of the academician Azhes Petrovich Seiteshev.

    In his works academician A.P.Seiteshev discloses the regul;arities of the modern pedagogical science and the ways of formation of spiritual development of Kazakhstani youth.

    The publication of selected pedagogical works of A.P.Seiteshev in 30 volumes, which include also the materials detected up to now pertaining to his scientific-pedagogical researches (from 1959 to 2009) in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    His selected pedagogical works present a fundamental multi-aspect work dedicated to the research of the important part of the again developing branch of common pedagogics, professional psychology and pedagogics, the development of modern professional education, the elaboration of scientific principles of formation of professionals-specialists and solution of common problems, the integration and differentiation in the preparation of national cadres.

    A.P.Seiteshev is the founder of the professional pedagogics, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, the Honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences, actual member of the World Association of professional education, professor, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Education, honorary scientific worker of the USSR, chairman of the coordination Council of the CIS by the problem “The integration and differentiation in the preparation of national cadres”, scientific consultant of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai.

    The professor has his own scientific school, he has prepared 48 doctors and 79 candidates of science, for more than 40 years he is engaged in the scientific-research activity in the sphere of philosophy, sociology, technics, gerontology, psychology, ecology, ergonomics, gene engineering and pedagogics; he has published 48 monographs, 12 textbooks, 200 books, more than 1000 scientific articles.

   The heritage of the prominent pedagogue-scientist A.P.Seiteshev reflects a significant stage in the formation of modern man at the beginning of the XXI century. He has implemented huge research work for the creation of the scientific basics of modern professional psychology and pedagogics.

   There in the presentation participated academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK R.Eleshev, president of the Academy of pedagogical sciences of Kazakhstan, doctor of science (pedagogics) professor A.Kusayinov , doctor of science (pedagogics) professor L.Kerimov, doctor of science (pedagogics) professor A.Kozybaiuly and others.  

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