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The Press-release

Almaty city                                                                                      November-December, 2010

National library of the RK Abai av.14                                            from 9.00 – 19.00 hours

   Before the OSCE Summit which is to take place on December 1-2 in Astana, the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan offers to the reader and public attention the book exhibitions “The way to Europe – the way to civilization” and “Nursultan Nazarbayev – the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

   There at the exhibition “The way to Europe – the way to civilization” which works from April, 2010 are presented more than 5000 books and documents in 114 languages of the world.

    The given exhibition is replenished by the materials on the culture, history and socio-economic development of the 56 states-members of the OSCE and also about other countries in Europe.

   The exposition includes the valuable editions of the XIX – beginning of the XX-th cc., the modern publications in all branches of science, the translations of the works of the writers of Kazakhstan into the European languages  and translations of the classics of European literature into the Kazakh language.

    A considerable part of the exhibition is dedicated to the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the OSCE, the chronicles of cooperation between the RK and OSCE and the European Union, and also the contribution of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the activity of this international organization.

    At the exhibition “Nursultan Nazarbayev – the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” there are presented the works and book of the President himself, and also the domestic and foreign editions dedicated to his life and activity. All these editions and documents are in the electronic data-base of the National library of the RK comprising more than 16 thousand bibliographical records.

    The given book exhibition is a chronicle of establishment and development of independent Kazakhstan. The books there give comprehensive information about the way that the country has covered, about the inner and foreign policy of the Head of state, the reforms that accelerate the socio-economic dynamics of society.

   We invite the readers of the National library and all those interested in the issues of development and strengthening equal cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the states of Europe to visit our exhibition.

For more information: 267 28 48, 267 28 66

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