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   There at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan took place the creative evening and the presentation of the books of the publishing house “The library of Olzhas” dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of the great poet and thinker, the outstanding publicist, scientist-researcher, public figure Olzhas Omarovich Suleimenov. 

   Specially for this event there by the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan had been prepared the academic book-illustrative exhibition named “AND IN EACH WORD THERE SMILED GOD…”, on which there were presented more than 200 editions in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. The Exhibition consisted of 6 parts: “Tugan kalam - Almatym”, “Argumakka mingen akyn”, “Taulardy alasartpai – dalany biyikteteyik”, “Elin alemge tanytkan azamat”, “Zher – anany ayalatkan”, “Kalamger – khalyk perzenti”. 

   There was also held the presentation of the recently created publishing house “The library of Olzhas” which published seven books for the jubilee of the great Kazakh poet: “From A to Z”, “The clay book”, “And in each word there smiled god”, “Conversations with Olzhas”, “Literature is life!”, “The phenomenon of Olzhas”, “But I didn’t lie to the people…”. 

   During the creative evening there was demonstrated a video-reel and a multimedia CD-disk.

   There were invited to the meeting with Olzhas Suleimenov the representatives of the diplomatic corps, the well-known writers, poets, the representatives of the creative associations and collectives, scientific-educational establishments, libraries, publishing-houses, the figures of culture and art.

    The meeting with our great contemporary, the most readable and honored Kazakh poet and thinker Olzhas Omarovich Suleimenov indubitably became one of the most prominent events of the year.

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