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   On May 27, 2011 at 11.00 hours there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan will take place the presentation of the audio-book of the novel-epopee “The way of Abai” by Mukhtar Auezov.

   The audio-book of the novel-epopee “The way of Abai” consists of two parts. There in the first part “Anyk Abai” (the documentary film in 14 parts) on the basis of the concrete facts is narrated about the real life of the great Kazakh poet. The author is Kasym Amanzholuly. The first part of this book was previously presented to the TV-audience at “Kazakhstan” TV-channel.

   The second part of the book has been prepared in accordance with the full version of the novel-epopee by the genius writer Mukhtar Auezov. In the preparation of the 80-hour audio-book there participated Zhanabil Symagululy, Muratbek Tesebaiuly, Manen Zeineluly, Serik Abiluly, Zheniskhan Nusipuly, Kairat Nabiuly and others.

   The audio-book was reproduced in the Xing-Jiang people’s radio-company and published in the Beijing national audio-video publishing house.

   There in the presentation participate the compilers of the audio-book Serik Abiluly and Kairat Nabiuly.

   Serik Abiluly was born in the Altai region of the People’s Republic of China. The poet, writer and composer began his activity in the department of literature and art at the Chinese-Kazakh radio. The state host of the first degree of the Kazakh radio, journalist, the author of the books “Dariga-ai”, “Kumis zhebe”, “Sholpan”, the laureate of the song festival after Shamshi Kaldayakov, member of the collegiate of the writers’ society of Xiang-Jiang.

   Kairat Nabiuly was born in the Tarbagatai region of the People’s Republic of China.

   An enlightener, journalist, publicist, businessman. He is the author of approximately 30 scientific articles and several books, including the audio-book “Abai-ata” dedicated to the 150-th jubilee of Abai and the collection of essays “Mukhtar aga” published for the 100-th jubilee of Mukhtar Auezov.

Address: Almaty city, Abai av., 14.

More information by the telephones: 67-28-84; 67-28-66; 67-28-79.

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