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   The house-museum of the public foundation after A.Baitursynov and the National library of the RK together held the panel by the theme: “The agitation of the heritage of the Teacher of the nation”, which took place on November 10, 2010 in accordance with the agreement #237 (dated 19.10.2010) of the Ministry of culture of the RK “The organization of a complex of activities for the popularization of the creative heritage of A.Baitursynov”.

   The panel was opened with the introductory word by Director-General of the National library of the RK Orynbassar Issakhov.

   The panel was headed by Zhumabek Kenzhalin, chief director of the “Kazak gazetteri” company Ltd.

  There on the course of the preparation of the index-reference work named “Ulagatty ult ustazy (The great teacher of the nation)” a speech was made by R.Imakhanbetova, the executive director of the public foundation.

   There within the framework of the panel for the popularization and propagation of the creative heritage of A.Baitursynov was held the presentation of the monograph “The man of the century: the creative biography of A.Baitursynov” written on the basis of archival documents by the author R.Imakhanbetova. the book saw the light in the Pedagogika PRESS publishing house in Astana city.

   The book is dedicated to the creative biography of the great scientist. The innovation of the given monograph is in that there for the first time was used the integral and systemic approach to the creative heritage of the scientist-reformer of the XX-th century. Fro the first time there were analyzed the previously unknown works of A.Baitursynov and also detected and rectified the incomplete data about the life of the outstanding public and state figure.

   Their opinion about the book were expressed by the editor-in-chief of the monograph academician T.K.Kakishev, doctor of science (philology), professor A.S.Isimakova, doctor of science (philology), professor O.Abdimanov and others.

   At the presentation of the second book “The bright carrier of the spirit of humaneness” the author of which is Mukhamet-Khalel Suleimanov, there made speeches Murat Sabitov and Alexander Garkavets.

  There entered into the book the selected verses of the poet and also the article in which the author analyzes the life of the public figure.

  The translations of M.-Kh.Suleimanov are the only attempt up today to deliver to the Russian-lingual reader the ideas of the Kazakh enlightener.

  The new publication of the book was made with the assistance of “Zerger Iliyas”.

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