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   On June 14, 2011 at 11:00 hours there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan will take place a panel by the theme ”The language of heraldics – the peaceful essence of the Kazakhs” with the participation of the authors of the state symbols: the Flag – the honoured worker of art of the RK – Shaken Niyazbekov and the Coat-of-Arms – the honoured architect of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the RK Shota Ualikhanov.

   The activity is held under the aegis of the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   June 4, 1992 will forever remain in the history of Kazakhstan as the day of birth of the state symbols of the RK.

   The most important attributes of any state are its symbols – the Flag, the Coat-of-Arms and the Hymn.  Instantly after the gaining of independence by Kazakhstan there stood the issue about their elaboration in our republic.

    The competition for the creation of the state symbolics was announced at the beginning of 1992. There in the competition participated more than 1200 artists from Kazakhstan, the countries of the CIS, Turkey, Mongolia and Germany, the winner was the well-known artist Shaken Niyazbekov. In the final competition for the creation of the State coat-of-arms in which there participated  more than 245 projects and 67 descriptions of the future coat-of-arms, the winners were the well-known architects Shota Ualikhanov and Zhandarbek Malibekov. All of them were motivated by the feeling of patriotism.

   There within the framework of the panel out of the fonds of the National library was installed the book-illustrative exhibition named “The state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

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