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    On June 24, 2011 at 11:00 hours there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book by chairman of the public association “The veneration of the state language”, member of the Assembly of the peoples of Kazakhstan, candidate of science (philology), the indefatigable supporter of the studying of the Kazakh language Osman Asyly Aliyevna “Til tauelsizdygy – el bolashagy” (“The language independence – the future of the people”) and the bibliographical index “Asyly Osman” prepared by the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan.

   The moderator of the presentation was the head of the Department for the development of languages, archives and documentation of Almaty city Akhetov Mamai Kaniuly. There at the presentation spoke academician Sh.Sarybayev, professor M.Myrzakhmetov, professor P.Momynov, the writer and chairman of “Kazak tily” society of Almaty city E.Torekhanov and others.

    Asyly Aliyevna Osman is an example for the representatives of the peoples of Kazakhstan not only as the innovator of the Kazakh language but through the whole of his activity showing respect to the Kazakh language as the state language.

    The book by Asyly Osman offered to the readers’ attention is the result of her works which she wrote in different years. These are the scientific articles, interviews, letters. There in the book dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan are raised the actual problems of the state language.  The book is a valuable heritage for the future generation.

    The bibliographical index prepared by the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan and dedicated to the life and creative activity of Asyly Osman, includes the books and publications which were published in the press from 1972 to June, 2011. The index is designed for the specialists, linguists, workers of culture and the wide circle of readers.

   There within the framework of the presentation for the readers’ attention out of the fonds of the National library of the RK was made the book exhibition named “Kazaktyn Asyly” dedicated to the activity of Asyly Aliyevna Osman.

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