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   There in the department of world literature is opened the book exhibition “Kazakhstan – the Islamic Conference Organization: prospects of cooperation”.

   In 2011 Kazakhstan will chair in the Islamic Conference Organization which is the largest and most influential official governmental Moslem international organization uniting 57 states.

   The exhibition consists of three parts. The first part “Kazakhstan the country – member of the Islamic Conference Organization” is represented by materials and documents on the foreign policy of Kazakhstan: “The Islamic Conference Organization-2011: chairmanship of Kazakhstan”, “N.A.Nazarbayev – the founder of the independent foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “The Central Asia: 1991-2009”, “Kazakhstan and the countries of the world” and others.

   The next part named ”The cooperation between Kazakhstan and the ICO member-countries” is presented with documents about the main trends and priorities of the Islamic Conference Organization. There is given the information about the OIC member-countries, the creation of this organization and its structure, the world Islamic policy: ”Central Asia meets the Middle East”,”Global Islamic Politics” etc.

   The third part ”Culture, economy and policy of the OIC member-countries” includes the materials on the architecture, art and socio-political life of the OIC member-countries: ”Architecture of the Islamic World”, ”Islam in the life of the population of Uzbekistan”, ”Acquaintance with the Islamic Republic of Iran” etc.

    There at the exhibition are presented books in the Kazakh, Russian and other world languages.

    The exhibition is timed to the 20-th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan and will act till the end of the year.


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