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   On October 3, 2011 at 11:00 hours there at the National library of the RK within the framework of the celebration of the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 80-th anniversary of the National library of the RK will take place the presentation of the book in the historical genre in two volumes named “Skifiada” by the poet Sultan Amangali, member of the Writers’Union of Russia.

   Sultan Amangali Saginovich was born on December 5, 1936 in Talpyn village of the Chapayev (today Akzhayik) district of the Western-Kazakhstani region. The first verses of A.S.Sultan appeared in the regional newspaper “Ekpindy kurylys” in 1953. There saw the light the seven collections of verses and poems in the Kazakh language: “Tungysh kitap” (1964),“Aidyn shalkar” (1979),“Taltus” (1980),“Zhazgyturym zharshysy” (1984),“Kutty meken” (1987) and one - “The antilope’s grass” (1982) in the Russian language.

   There in the presentation will participate the author of the book, linguist, doctor of science (philology), professor, corresponding member of the National academy of sciences of the RK, the honoured figure of science of the RK Sh.Sh.Sarybayev; the well-known writer, chief editor of the “Kazakh-film” national company after Sh.Aimanov, vice-president of the Kazakhstani “Pen-Club” S.A.Elubayev, president of the Public foundation after Mukhtar Auezov M.M.Auezov, the state and public figures, readers and workers of the library.

    There for the activity was timed the book-illustrative exhibition “Uakyt uagyzy” dedicated to the creative activity of A.S.Sultan from the fonds of the National library of the RK.

We invite the mass-media for the highlighting of the given activity.

The contact telephone: 267-28-66

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