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   Director-General of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan G.N.Balabekova participated in the work of the VI-th Forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia  of the CIS state-participants, which took place in Kyev city (Ukraine) on October 21-22, 2011. The Forums that gather representatives of the cultural and scientific-educational elite of the countries of the Commonwealth, are held from 2007 with the support of the Interstate foundation of humanitarian cooperation of the state-participants of the CIS.

   The theme of the VI-th Forum – “The historical-cultural heritage of the state-participants of the CIS: common asset and resource for steady development”. In the course of the forum there took place the plenary session and six profile chambers: “Education, science, technology and innovational development”, “Sport and healthy way of life, ecology and and natural-preserve fonf”, “Historical-cultural heritage and cultural-cognitive tourism”, “Classical and modern art”, “Literature, book-publishing, translation”, “Information technologies and communications”. The sessions and panels took place at the Kyev national university after Taras Shevchenko. The solemn opening of the forum was preceded  by the panels at the university  devoted to the creative heritage of Taras Shevchenko and Mikhail Lomonosov. There was opened a number of thematic exhibitions and were carried out presentations.

   G.K. Balabekova in her speech expressed gratitude to the organizers of the Forum – the Government of Ukraine and the International foundation of humanitarian copperation, support for the further preservation of the Forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia  of the CIS state-participants as a useful dialog site. And also made proposals for the further implementation of the projects of the IFHC.   

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