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   On May 8, 2012 at 12-00 hours there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the informational-library products manufactured by Ex Libris company.

   During the presentation the representatives of Ex Libris company Enrike Penz (Germany), Sergei Dotsenko (Ukraine) acquainted in detail all those present with Primo system, which is the solution for the search and delivery for the users of the libraries, Aleph system – the automated library-informational system (ALIS), answered the questions about these systems and other products of Ex Libris. There at the presentation participated the workers of the National, republican, city libraries and libraries of the higher educational establishments.

   Libraries in the modern world meet difficulties stipulated by the diversity of information and the rapidity of growth of its volumes. The grown users’ requirements for the quick and easy access to the necessary information are intensified by the requirements of the libraries themselves towards the efficacy of their resources.

   The systems Aleph and Primo conform to the libraries’ requirements, possess the flexibility and efficacy of work necessary for them.

   The openness of Aleph system allows it  to easily and without any obstacles interact with other systems. Primo is a system for search and delivery compatible not only with Aleph but also with other ALISes (Automated library-informational systems). It is installed in more than 860 organizations around the world, from small ones to the national libraries. The system allows readers to implement simultaneous search in all the resources of the library available regardless of their type and placement, in the single user interface.

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