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   There in the exhibition hall of the National library of the RK is opened the book exhibition named “Sargaisa da tarihktyn ak paragy, ol kyunder mangi este saktalady” dedicated to May 9 -the Victory Day.

    This year we celebrate the 67-th year of victory in the Great Patriotic war, which serves as a strong indissoluble link between us, the present generation and the generation of front fighters, workers in the rear and the victors. Victory Day is the holiday in honour of all those who gave us the peace on this earth!

    On all the fronts during the war the Kazakhstanis showed courage and heroism. We are proud of the fact that together with other peoples our Kazakhstanis also fought courageously. During the war 500 Kazakhstanis became Heroes of the Soviet Union, among them: Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, Sagadat Nurmagambetov, Adi Sharipov, Kasym Kaisenov, Zhumagali Sayin and many others. Four Kazakhstanis were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice: these are the low-flying attack aircraft flyers Talgat Begeldinov, Ivan Pavlov, Leonid Beda, Sergei Luganski. The legendary flyer of the Great Patriotic war Talgat Begeldinov together with us today celebrates the 67-th anniversary of the Great Victory.

    A special pride of the Kazakhstanis are the Heroes of the Soviet Union: the sniper Aliya Moldagulova and the machine-gunner Manshuk Mametova.

    The book exhibition consists of 4 parts: “Kazakhstan otty zhyldarda”, “Otan yushin, el yushin”, “Kazaktyn kos shynary”, “Kaharman urpakka tagzym”. There at the exhibition are 500 books, of especial interest are the books about the feats of the Kazakhstanis in the Great Patriotic war, the Stalingrad battle, the battle near Moscow, the feats of Aliya and Manshuk and many others.

    We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

    The contact telephone: 267-28-66.

    Байланыс тел.:  267-28-66.



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