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   On may 18, 2012 at 16.00 hours there in the greater hall of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of editions from the series of books “The classics of Kazakh literature and masters of Kazakh prose and poetry” published by the Publishing house “The library of Olzhas” with the participation of the prominent Kazakh poet and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov.

   The presentation was under the chairmanship of the well-known cultural-study specialist, President of the public foundation “The foundation after Mukhtar Auezov” Murat Mukhtarovich Auezov.

    Director-General of the National library of the RK Balabekova Gulissqa Kabarovna made the word of greeting. She congratulated Olzhas Suleimenov with the birthday and read the letter of greeting on behalf of the Minister of culture and information of the RK D.Mynbai.

    There also spoke at the activity: Nurlan Orazalin, Ulugbek Esdaulet, Dyuisenbek Nakipov, Safar Abdulloh and others. All the participants - the well-known writers, scientists, public figures noted the importance of this series for domestic culture.

     As the President of the public foundation “The foundation after Mukhtar Auezov” cultural-study specialist Murat  Auezov noted, the uniqueness of this series is in the high quality of print and design, the pocket format, which will be accessible to a wide cirlce of readers. The well-known poet O.Suleimenov underlined that the interest to the world literature begins from acquaintance with the best works of domestic authors, also he told the audience about his plans, about the work upon the new book, conditionally named by him as “The code of honour and morals of the young man”. According to the words of the known literary man, of primary significance for young people is the reading of classics and involvement with sport.

    There by the publishing house “The library of Olzhas” was organized the sale of books. The publishing house plans to continue the publication of books of the given series and also publish a new series “The classics of world literature”.

   There in the presentation participated the well-known Kazakhstani writers, prominent public figures, librarians of Almaty city, the pupils of the Kaskelen college of culture, representatives of the press and television.




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