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   There in the exhibition hall of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened the book-illustrative exhibition named “Kazakhstan – the New Silk way”.

   The Great Silk way is of unique cultural value to mankind. For the first time in the history of mankind on the giant stretches from the Mediteranian Sea to the Pacific Ocean it connected different countries and peoples, tied together their material, artistic and spiritual cultures. In the course of twenty centuries it connected the special and unique civilizations of the Orient and West through the exchange of material and spitirual values, exchange by crafts, ideas, technologies, informations.

   The Great Silk way in all its ancient manifestations became revived today to a new life and again appeared on the world map. Kazakhstan is to become “a special bridge between Europe and Asia, thus reviving its historical role.” Today Kazakhstan is implementing the large-scale Programme of forced industrial-innovational development. Its purpose is the creation of an economy not oriented towards the raw materials, which will make it possible at least by half increase the volume of economy by the year 2020. The next stage in the development of the economy of Kazakhstan is connected with the implementation of the transit potential of our country. The President of KazakhstanNursultan Nazarbayev raised the call to make Kazakhstan the largest transit hub of the Central-Asian region. Speaking at the plenary session of the Council of foreign investors under the President, and also at the fifth Astana economic forum (2012) the Kazakhstani leader presented the project named “The New Silk way”. The competitive advantage of the proposed project “The New Silk way” will be based upon the implementation of the principle of several S: Speed, Service, Cost, Preservation and Stability. As a result of their territorial and functional interconnection there is to appear the sinergetical effect , and it is namely this must become the main source of competitive advantage of the New Silk way.

   The book exhibition “Kazakhstan – the New Silk way” consists of two large parts:

   In the part “The Great Silk way” there are presented books about the great thinkers and philosophers of the Orient – Abu Nasir al-Farabi, Khodja Akhmet Yassaui, about the history of the Great Silk way, about the history of development of culture, art, trade-economic development of the states China, India, Bizantine, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and the othere state in the Middle and Central Asia, about the history of the ancient cities lying along the Silk way: Otrar, Turkestan, Taraz, Suyab, Kulan, Merke, Ispidjab, Sairam, Bukhara, Samarkant, Tashkent, Syganak and others. There are widely presented encyclopaedias, albums and magazines.

   The part “Kazakhstan – Europe – Asia: the projects of development of modernization of the economy of the country” discloses the inculcation and development in Kazakhstan of investment projects for the modernization of the economy of the country; the new project “The New Silk way” proposed by the President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev at the fifth Astana economic forum, the state programmes: for the forced industrial-innovational development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014, the programmes for the development of intellectual technical-trade-economic development for 2010-2014, for the development of the oil and gas industry, electrical energetics of Kazakhstan and others. Also there are presented investment projects of the World trade organization, projects for the development and building of the transportation railroad, the projects of the trans-Asiatic continental way in accordance with the programme “The business road-map 2020”, “Djezkazgan - Beineu”, the projects of “Tengiz-Shevroil” company, the projects of the gas-pipe “Western Europe – Western China”, “Kartaly – Tobolsk – Kokshetau - Astana”, “Karashyganak” and many other projects for the development of the branches of the economy of Kazakhstan.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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