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   There in the “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department is opened the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the prominent Kazakhstani scientist – chemist, doctor of science (chemistry), correspondent member of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR Irdan Nigmetovich Azerbayev.

   Irdan Nigmetovich Azerbayev was born in 1912 in the Western-Kazakhstani region. In 1933 he graduated from the Saratov university after N.G.Chernyshevski, the faculty of chemistry. He began his labour activity as engineer-chemist at the Saratov cracking-factory in 1933-1934.

   In 1934-35 he is a teacher at the Uralsk pedagogical institute, head of the chair of chemistry, in 1935-1937 – educator at the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov, in 1937-1940 he graduated from the post-graduate course of the Leningrad university after A.A.Zhdanov. In 1940-1952 – he is assistant-professor, head of the chair of organic chemistry, the dean of the faculty of chemistry at the Kazakh state university after Kirov. In 1953-1954 – head of the chair of chemistry of the Semipalatinsk state medical institute, in 1954-1958 – head of the laboratory of coal chemistry of the Institute of chemical sciences of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1958-1964 – director of the Chemical-metallurgical institute of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR in Karaganda city. In 1964-1975 – head of the laboratory of synthesis of herbicides at the Institute of chemical sciences of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR.

   The main scientific works are in the sphere of coal chemistry, petrochemistry, elementorganic  compounds and physiologically active stuffs, of fine organic synthesis. He was the first one to determine the possibility of procuring coke from the Karaganda coal, he elaborated the anti-tumour preparations “Gleophen”, he created the stimulators of growth for plants “Akpinol” and “Phospinol” which are used in agriculture. I.N.Azerbayev published many monographs, published approximately 470 articles, he received 81 copyright certificates. Under his leadership there were defended 65 candidate dissertations. Almost 40 years of scientific and pedagogical activity of I.N.Azerbayev were dedicated to the development of the chemical science and industry of Kazakhstan.

   In 1945 he was awarded the orders of the Labour Red Banner,  “Badge of Honour”, in 1946 –  the medal “For valient labour in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945” and the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945”, in 1970 – by the medal “For valient labour. In commemoration of the centenary from the day of birth of V.I.Lenin”. In 1969 I.N.Azerbayev was awarded the title of Honoured figure of science of the Kazakh SSR.

   There at the book exhibition are exposed the works of the scientist and the materials about the life activity of Irdan Nigmetovich Azerbayev: “Chemistry regulates the growth of plants” (1966), “Tin and lead-organic monomers and polymers” (1968), “Chemistry in our days” (1972), “The organic compounds of tin and lead” (1972), “The syntheses on the basis of petro-carbo-hydrates” (1974), “The chemistry of derivatives of acetylene” (1976) and other works.  

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