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   The National library of  the RK held the republican seminar  “The formation of the libraries’ fonds in terms of industrial-innovational development of  the Republic of Kazakhstan” on the basis of  the National academical library of  the RK in Astana within the framework of  the Forum of the librarians of the countries of the CIS -  2012  “Libraries of the Commonwealth: integration, innovation and access for all” on September 26-27, 2012.

   The purpose of the seminar  was  the definition  of  the strategy  for the formation of the  library fond as the basis of the intellectual information resource of  the country in the context of the State programme on the forced industrial innovational development  of the RK  for  2010-2014.

   The moderators of the seminar were G.K.Balabekova, Director-General of the National library the RK and  B.K.Ospanova, First Deputy Director-General of the National Library of the RK.

   N.S. Toguzbayev, head of the Department of  publishing  programs of  the Committee of information and archives  of  the Ministry of  culture and information of the RK made a welcoming speech.

   The programme  of  the seminar  included the discussion of the matters of formation of the  information  resources of the libraries of Kazakhstan in terms of regional industrial, innovational development and social modernization, tendencies and innovations in book publishing, book-market, library acquisition, necessity of the priority of technical and natural-scientific literature at the present stage, futher development of the libraries in the electronic medium, creation of a single electronic resource and  provision  of access to the network remote resources.

    K.K.Koshtaeva, head of the scientific-methodological service of the National library of The RK made the key report  ““The formation of the libraries’ fonds in terms of industrial-innovational development of  the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Also there made reports Jasek Lewinson - the representative of the world publishing companies John Wiley and Brill, V.N.Kostyuk - manager of the publishing-house “Mashinostroyenie”,  O.V.Kirillova - Deputy Director of the VINITI RAN, K.E.Baizakova - Deputy Director of the National state book chamber of the RK and others.

   The participants of  the Republican seminar arrived at the conclusion in the adopted resolution that it is  necessary  to combine the efforts of the libraries, publishers,  book-distributors  and made the recommendation:

  • To create a single inter-state center of book-acquisition on the basis of the Library Assembly of Eurasia for the intensification of work on the formation of mobile and economically effective system of mutual book-acquisition and exchange of resources on the territory of the CIS; 
  • To address the Committee on science of the Ministry of  education and science of the RK about the preparation for publication of scientific-technical literature;
  • To create the Coordinating centre on subscription for the remote data-bases at the National library of the RK;
  • To provide further advance and realization of the Programme of library-informational backing of the industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan  for 2012-2014;
  • To address the Committee of information and archives of the Ministry of culture and information of the RK with the proposal to include the technical and natural-scientific literature into the state programme for the publication of socially-significant types of literature.

   There within the framework of the seminar took place the reviews and exhibitions of the production of the Kazakhstani publishing-houses “Almatykitap”, “Foliant”, the Agency “Eurasia-Press”. Also there took place the presentation of a series of books in modern Turkic studies and the magazine “Altai-studies and Turkic-studies”, published by the International Turkic academy. The series will be donated to the National and regional libraries of Kazakhstan.

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