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The international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov”

September 21, 2012 – September 28, 2013

The information

   The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the carrying out of the international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov”.

  The action is dedicated to the 115-th birthday of the classic of Kazakh literature, the founder of Abai-study, prominent scientist and pedagogue Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov.

   The purpose of the international action: to attract the attention of Kazakhstani readers and readers from different countries of the world to the creative legacy of Mukhtar Auezov, broaden their knowledge about the life and literary activity of the writer.

   The action is held from September 21, 2012 to September 28, 2013. 

   The opening of the international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov” will take place on September 21, 2012 through the carrying out at the National library of the international literary forum “Mukhtar Auezov – the glance into the new millennium”.

   There in the international action can participate the libraries of all systems and departments from different countries of the world. In order to participate in the action one must send out an application to the Organizing committee with the obligatory registration of participants at the site of the NLRK with the indication of:

·         Information about the participants of the action;

·         The plan of activity (-es) to the 115-th birthday of Mukhtar Auezov (the name, the form of carrying out, the time of carrying out) is to be supplied not later than October 30, 2012.

   The video-sketches from the literary evening, the reports from the activity that took place, the photographs, multimedia presentations, creative works, opinions and also any other information are to be sent to the Organizing committee on CD, DVD-discs not later than August 28, 2013 at the following address: the National library of the RK, 050013, Almaty city, Abai avenue, 14.

   There at the site of the National library of the RK ( will be placed the Diary of the international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov” where you can become acquainted with the information on the course of its carrying out.

   By the results of the international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov” the most interesting and successful projects will receive the memorable gifts from the Public foundation “The foundation of Mukhtar Auezov”. 

The contacts:

Tel.:  8 (727) 267-28-79, 267-28-66, 267-28-72

Fax:  8 (727) 267-28-83

e-mail: (with the mark “We read Mukhtar Auezov”) 

   The coordinator of the international action – Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kayirbekovna, First Deputy Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, tel.: 8 (727) 267-28-84. 

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