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   There in the Department of foreign literature is organized the book exhibition named “Kazakhstan and the United Nations Organization: 20 years of cooperation”.

   The United Nations Organization is the international organization created through the intiative of the USSR, the USA, China and Great Britain after the Second world war for the support and strengthening of international peace and security. The UNO Head-Quarters is situated in New-York, the USA. At the present moment 193 countries are members of the UNO. The name “the United Nations Organization” was proposed by the President of the USA F.D.Rousevelt. The Declaration was adopted in San-Francisco on October 24, 1945. This day is celebrated as the Day of the United Nations Organization. 

   Kazakhstan became a member of the UNO on March 2, 1992, and June 15, 1992 there by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan was created the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the United Nations Organization.

    Kazakhstan became the 168-th state-member of the UNO. The main purposes of the cooperation between Kazakhstan and the UNO are the advancement of our strategic interests at the international level and the attraction of the UNO potential for the solution of issues of development of Kazakhstan in many directions. In his cooperation with the UNO Kazakhstan pays special attention to a number of priority trends: the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of weaponry of mass destruction; the struggle with slavery; the protection of peaceful population during conflicts, especially women and children. 

    From 1992 to 1999 the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the UNO was appointed Akmaral Khaidarovna Arystanbekova. The bright diplomatic talent, the extraordinary organizational capacities of A.Kh.Arystanbekova showed themselves when on March 2, 1992 sovereign Kazakhstan entered the United Nations Organization at the 46-th session of the UNO General Assembly. She prepared all the documents, the whole preparatory process came down upon her shoulders.

    At the beginning of 2012 Kazakhstan was chosen into the Bureau of the Executive Council of the UNICEF for one year.

   For the first time in history the second in significance post within the UNO system that of the Deputy Secretary General was occupied by Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, who is also Director-General of the UNO affiliate in Geneva and General secretary of the Conference for disarmament. His appointment became the testimony of the high professional and political level of the Kazakhstani representative and acknowledgement of the authority of our state and its Head.

   The activity of the UNO in Kazakhstan is implemented in the form of the Country team which includes several UNO Programmes.

   The book exhibition consists of 3 parts: the Main documents of the United Nations Organization, Sovereign Kazakhstan and the United Nations Organization, the First Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UNO – Akmaral Khaidarovna Arystanbekova.

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