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   The book  exhibition, devoted to the centenary of the founder  of electrical power  science in  Kazakhstan,  Doctor of science (Technology), Academician, Halyk Kaharmany Chokin Shafik Chokinovich  was organized  in the department  “Kazakhstan books.”

   Chokin Shafik  Chokinovich  (1912-2003) was born on 1-st  of October, 1912 in  the Bayanaul district  of  the  Pavlodar  region.  In 1937 he  graduated  from  the Omsk agricultural Institute after S.M.Kirov.

   After  leaving  Institute from 1937 till 1943 Chokin  worked as a  senior  engineer, head  of Department  of the Kazakh  republican trust  on electrification of agriculture of Narcomzem of the Kazakh  SSR. 

   From 1944 Chokin  took active part in the creation of the  Academy of Sciences  of the Kazakh SSR and headed the power engineering  department.  Chokin  organized the Scientific Research Institute of Power engineering, which is the first scientific Institute on power engineering in Kazakhstan. From 1944 till 1963 Chokin was Director and Scientific Secretary of the Academy of  Sciences of Kazakh SSR, from 1954  till 1968  he  is member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR.

    All greatest scientific achievements of the scientist and main scientific discoveries  in  the field of power engineering of Kazakhstan are connected with the Institute.  A significant part in Chokin’s activity occupies research of the waters of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Siberia. He was one of the first who raised the issue about transfer of a part water flow of Siberian rivers into Kazakhstan and Central Asia, carried out field and office explorations on this problem. Under his scientific guidance there were worked out the optimal circuitry of realization of this transfer and established key parameters of its main water ducts, drawn up “The prognostic schematic circuit of transfer of part of water flow of the Siberian rivers.” The scientist was one of the initiators of designing and building the Schulba and Semey hydro power stations on Irtysch, generation of unique, not having analog in the world practice – channel Irtysch-Karaganda.

   Chokin is the author of more than 170 scientific works. All scientific activity of the academician is connected with the most capital division of power engineering: general energetic, hydropower engineering, hydroeconomic power energy problems.

   Schafic Chokin was rewarded with the medal ”For valorous work in the Great Patriotic war 1941- 1945”(1945), Certificate of honour of the Academy of sciences of the USSR(1945), the order of the Labour Red Banner of the USSR(1971), the State Award of the KazSSR (1972), the Award after K.I.Satpaev (1991), the National hero of Kazakhstan (1996).

   The materials about the life and working activity, scientific works of Sch.Chokin “The calculated provision of functioning hydro power station”(1958), “Kazakhstan on the way to mass electrification” (1961),  ”The basis of development of power engineering of Kazakhstan”(1971),”Рower engineering and water industry”(1975), “Design procedure of regulation of drain”(1977), “Biographical real stories”(2004) and others.

    Welcome to our book-exhibition!

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