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   There in the Department of world literature opened the book exhibition dedicated to the 175-th birthday of the Russian philologist, ethnographer and archeologist, Orientalist-Turkologist Vasily Vasilyevich Radlov.

   Radlov Vasily Vasilyevich (Friedrikh Wilgelm) was born in Berlin in 1837, graduated from the Berlin University in 1858 and in 1858 arrived in Peterburg for the studies at the Asiatic museum, from 1884 – academician of the Saint-Peterburg Academy of sciences.

  One of the organizers of the Russian committee for the study of Middle and Eastern Asia, in 1903-1918 – its chairman. In 1860-1870 participated in the ethnographic expeditions in Altai, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia, during which he accumulated the factual materials about the languages, folklore, ethnography and archeology of the Turkic peoples. In 1891 head of the Orkhon expedition of the Academy of sciences (Mongolia), in 1898 organized the Turfan expedition (Central Asia). He deciphered the old-Turkic Orkhon-Enisei inscriptions, for the first time commented and published the old-Uigur monuments found by D.A.Clements.

   He headed the Asiatic museum of the Academy of sciences (1885-1890), the Museum of anthropology and ethnography of the Academy of sciences (1894-1918). 

   The author of the works that laid foundation to the comparative-historical studying of the Turkic languages: “The comparative grammar of the Northern Turkic languages”, Volume 1, 1882; “The old-Turkic inscriptions of Mongolia”, 1894-1895; “The introductory thoughts to the description of the morphology of the Turkic languages”, 1911. He published many texts in the Turkic languages “The specimens of folk literature of the Turkic tribes”, Part 1-10, 1866-1907, published “The experience of dictionary of Turkic dialects”, volumes 1-4, 1882-1909 and others. The multiple works of Radlov raise the problems of ethnogenesis, classification and historical dialectology of the Turkic languages and other separate languages.

    There at the exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK are presented the works of the author and literature about him published from 1866 to 1925 in the German and Russian languages:

·         The comparative grammar of the Northern Turkic languages”, Volume 1, 1882;

·         “The old-Turkic inscriptions of Mongolia”, 1894-1895;

·         “The experience of dictionary of Turkic dialects”, volumes 1-4, 1882-1909;

·         “The experience of dictionary of Turkic dialects”, volumes 1-24, 1900-1911;

·         “To the 80-th anniversary of academician Vasily Vasilyevich Radlov” (1837-1917) v.5, 1917-1925;

·         “Suvarnaprabhasa” (The sutra of golden shine), volumes 1-4, 1913-1914 and others.

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