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   There in “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department is opened the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the well-known entomologist, doctor of science (biology), professor, a member of the Writers union of Kazakhstan Marikovski Pavel Yiustinovich.

   Marikovski Pavel Yiustinovich was born in 1912 at the Vyazemskaya station of the Khabarovsk region. In 1936 he graduated from the Far-East medical institute, after that for several years he taught at the chair of general biology of this same institute, then he worked as entomologist in the Far-East affiliate of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, junior scientific worker of the Khabarovsk station of the Irkutsk antiplague institute of Siberia and Far East. In 1939 P.I.Marikovski moved to Uzbekistan and worked in the scientific-research institute  of epidemiology, microbiology and sanitary of the Ministry of health of the Uzbek SSR (Tashkent).

   In 1941-1946 he served in the Red Army, participated in the Great Patriotic war.

   In 1946 moved to Kazakhstan where for many years he worked in the Institute of zoology of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR first as laboratory assistant, then head of department. His main scientific works are dedicated to entomology. He published approximately 160 scientific works, more than 50 scientific-popular and fiction works.

   He was awarded the orders of the USSR – “The Red Star”, “The Badge of Honour”, the medal “For the victory over Japan” and the Honorary certificate of the Supreme Soviet.

   There at the book exhibition are exposed the scientific works and works of fiction by Pavel Marikovski:

·         “The little labourers of the forest” (1969);

·         “The little labourers of the desert” (1974);

·         “The ants of the deserts of Semirechye” (1979);

·         “To the young entomologist” (1979);

·         “The insects around us” (1986) etc.

    We invite you to visit the exhibitions!

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