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   There in the exhibition hall of the library is opened the book-illustrative exhibition “The Constitution – the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the main law of the country reflects the will of the people of Kazakhstan, their striving towards ascertaining of the country as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest values of which are man, his life, rights and liberties. The main thing which the Constitution gave to the people of Kazakhstan – the right of choice.

   There at the exhibition are presented about 100 editions from the fond of the National library of the RK. The exhibition contains the literature on the history of state and law, on the formation of the legal system and the legislative policy of the Kazakhs, the collection of laws “Zhety zhargy” adopted by Tauke-khan. There are widely reflected the editions published within the framework of the “Cultural heritage” state programme, among them the collection of documents and materials “Kazaktyn ata zandary”. A special place is given to editions of the well-known lawyer, honored worker of science of Kazakhstan Sultan Sartayev who laid the basis of the Constitution of sovereign Kazakhstan and constitutional legislation, and also the Constitution of Kazakhstan is presented in the Kazakh, Russian, English, Uzbek, Uigur and other languages.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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