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   There in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the legendary attacker-flier, double Hero of the Soviet Union, major-general of aviation Talgat Bigeldinov.

   T.Bigeldinov was born in 1922 in the village of Maibalak of the Akmola region in the peasant’s family. After finishing secondary school he entered the airo-club in Frunze city (1940), in 1940-42 he studied at the Saratov and Chkalov (now Orenburg) military-aviation schools. He made his first battle flight on the morning of February 17, 1943.

   Talgat Bigeldinov – deputy commander of the squodron of the 144-th Guard attacker aviation regiment, he fought at the Kalinin, Voronezh, Stepnoi, the 1-st and 2-nd Ukranian fronts, he showed heroism during the liberation of Ukraine, Poland, storm of Breslau and Berlin.

    Altogether in two years’ time T.Bigeldinov made 305 battle flights, he destroyed multiple military equipment and live power of the enemy, in the air battles he shot down 7 planes, several more he burned down on the ground during the attck upon the enemy airodromes.

    After the war in 1950 he graduated from the Military-air academy, in 1968 – from the Moscow engineering-construction institute. He retired in 1956. From 1957 to 1970 he is the senior inspector and deputy head of the Kazakh territorial department of civil aviation and for a long time he worked upon the leading posts in the system of Gosstroi of the Kazakh SSR.

   The major-general is awarded the orders of Lenin, Red Banner, Alexander Nevski, Patriotic war of the 1-st and 2-nd degree, Red Star, Glory of the 3-rd degree, the Ukranian order “For merits” of the 3-rd degree, multiple medals. In Bishkek city (former Frunze) in which T.Bigeldinov spent his childhood years, there is established the bronze bust of the Hero.

   There at the book exhibition are presented materials about the life, the military way and activity of T.Bigeldinov, his works, the editions about the valiance and courage of the Hero:

1.      “Aspandagy aikastar” (1963)

2.      “Il-s attack” (1966)

3.      S.Morozov “Double Hero of the Soviet Union T.Ya.Begeldinov” (Moscow, 1948)

4.      S.Bakbergenov “Talgat” (1950)

5.      “Talgat Begeldinov” (1965)

6.      “Otan yushin ot keshken” (1985)

7.      A.Sergeyev “The starry sky of Talgat” (1997)

8.      A.N.Bedelbayev “Number thirteen, start the take-off”.- v.1-2. Short novel about Begeldinov T.Ya. (2004)

9.      K.Abenov “The Great Patriotic war in my life: 60 years after” (2008)

10.  B.Omaruly “Zhyurektyn kozi” (2011) and others.

We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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