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    There in the hall of world literature is organized the book exhibition timed for the centenary of the birthday of the Russian scientist, Oriental study specialist and ethnographer Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.

    Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev (1912-1992) – the Academician of the Russian scientific academy of natural sciences, doctor of science (history and geography), poet, translator from Persian and the founder of the passionary theory of ethnogenisis.

    Gumilev L.N. made a huge contribution into the studies of the history of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia. He protested against the wide-spread myth that the nomadic peoples played exclusively the role of plunderers and destroyers. The interrelations of Ancient Russia and the steppe peoples (including the Golden Horde) he considered as a complex simbiosis, from which each peoplegained something. As for Europe, the criticism of Europe-centrism occupies a prominent place in his works.

    In 1961 he defended the doctorate dissertation by the theme “The ancient Turks”

   The theme of the dissertation is immediately linked with the ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan. The range of interests of Gumilev lies namely in the history of the peoples of Eurasia. He is the author of the monograph: “Hunnu”, “The discovery of Khazariya”, “The search for the imaginary kingdom”. The scientific works of the scientist – “From Russia to Russia”, “Ancient Russia and Great Steppe” and others were published in great number of copies.

   The second doctoral dissertation in geography “The ethnogenesis and the biosphere of Earth” L.N.Gumilev defended in 1974. But the higher attestation commission refused him in the awarding of the degree of doctor of science in geography. The dissertation was published as a monograph only in 1989.

   The revolutionary work on the theory of ethnogenesis made a furore in the scientific world.

    L.N.Gumilev proposed a complex of original methods for the studying of ethnogenesis which are in the parralel studying of historical data about the climate, geology and georaphy of the containing landscape, archeological and cultural sources. But the main thing, Gumilev managed to detect the moving power in the history of human civilization – passionarity – the energy, capable to fulfil in life the most courageous ideas.

    There by the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in 1996 the name of L.N.Gumilev was given to one of the leading higher educational establsihments in Astana city – the Eurasian National university. In 2002 there within the university was created the cabinet-museum of L.N.Gumilev.

    The exhibition consists of two parts – “Ardakty tulga – uly galym”, “Uly dala-tarikhshysy”. There at the exhibition are presented materials from periodical editions on the life and activity, multiple scientific articles of Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.

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