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    The presentation of books of doctor of science (philology), professor Biktor Badikov “According to Hamburg account”, “The book about myself and about  everybody. Creative activity. Life. Friends’ voices” and the documentary film of the well-known TV-director, screen writer, producer Rita Zhugunusova “Viktor Badikov. I consider myself a person of literature” took place on October 25, 2012 at 11 o’clock in the Hall of Librarianship  of  the National Library of the RK.

    Organizers:  the National Library of the RK, the well-known poetess, prose-writer, journalist Rimma Artemyeva.

    The moderator of this event was the well-known poetess, prose-writer, journalist Rimma Artemyeva.

    Viktor Vladimirovich Badikov (1939-2008) is doctor of science (philology), professor, member of the Writers’ union and PEN-club, Pedagogue of the Higher school, one of the leading specialists in study of literature and literary critics of Kazakhstan, the author of monographs and school books on Russian literature. Tens of books of our Kazakhstani writers are published with his preface. He is the author of  basic researches  about the creative activity of the prominent master-writers Yu.Olyescha, A.Platonov, M.Bulgakov, E.Zamyatin, B.Pilnyak. There are also M. Auezov, Zh.Aimauytov, A.Nurpeyisov,  A.Tarazi, O.Suleimenov, O.Bokeyev, M.Simashko, G.Belger  in this powerful literary current, their younger colleagues D.Isabekov, R.Seisenbayev, B.Kanapyanov, D.Doszhan, B.Kayirbekov, D.Nakipov. He devoted to their works monographs and essays of analysis. His in-depth and comprehensive research of the creative activity of the Russian-speaking Kazakh writers became the necessary link in the fundamental work named “The History of Kazakh literature” in Kazakh.

    The scientific, pedagogical, literary work of Viktor Badikov considerably enriched Kazakhstani literature and study of literature. Many bright names appeared owing to his ability to see talent even in the first steps in literature, his fatherly support, ability to be equal with everyone.

    Badikov sincerely took care of  cooperation directions, styles, literary schools in Kazakhstan. The lively creative process was the basis in his courses of lectures on history and theory of literature, which he  gave for forty years in the leading universities, first of all the Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai and the Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi, in the universities of Karaganda,  Aktobe,  Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan, Kostanai and Aktau. Indeed, his works are the integral part of cultural heritage of the country.

    The books “According to Hamburg account”, “The book about myself and about everybody. Creative activity. Life. Friends’ voices” are posthumous publications of V. Badikov. There are short stories of V.Badikov, reviews of his books, memoires and essays of his contemporaries. The compilers: V.Badikova,  the well-known writer, journalist A.A.Artsischevski.

    Within the framework of  this measure there took place the presentation of the documentary film “Viktor Badikov. I consider myself a person of Literature”of the well-known Kazakhstani director, screen writer, producer Rita Zhugunusova.  Rita Zhugunusova is the author of 50 television films, they were on Kazakhstani television in the cycles of broadcasts  “The way to the temple”-KTK, “The silver thread”, “ Under the mark of wisdom”, “The line of fortune” -“Khabar,”  “The path of poets” – “ElArna”. Tatyana Kolesnikova sang the songs and romances on the poems of Viktor Badikov. 

    The memoires about Victor Badikov’s life and his activity were shared by the members of his family: Valentina Badikova, Natalya Belova, Katerina Badikova, Chief director of the State Academical Russian Drama Theatre after M.Lermontov  R.Andriasyan, the well-known writer, journalist Artsischevski, poets, prosaics, specialists in study of Literature – D.Nakipov. K.Kabdrahmanov, C.Hazarova, U.Tazhikenova,  S.Ananyeva,  A.Hamraev,  M.Pak, professors, head of chair of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai, scientific workers of the Institute of Literature and Art after M.Auezov, members of the Kazakhstani Pen-club, specialists in study of Literature, directors.  There were librarians of Almaty and students of Institutes.

    Within the framework of this activity the author’s books were donated to the National Library of the RK, the libraries of Almaty and participants.


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