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   There in the department “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition, dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the state figure, Hero of Socialist Labour, participant of the Great Patriotic war, candidate of science (economics), professor of the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi Asanbai Askarovich Askarov.

Asanbai Askarovich Askarov was born in 1922 in the Jambul region. In 1939 he finished the Frunze (today Bishkek city) pedagogical school. He began his labour activity as teacher of the Russian language at school. In 1942 he was called to the Red Army. Participant of the Great Patriotic war, colonel. After the army (1946) he works as first secretary of the Merken raikom of the Komsomol, as first secretary of the Jambul obkom of the LKSM of Kazakhstan, was a member of the Regional committee of the party, and subsequently from 1954 to 1985 works at the leading posts of the regional committees of the party in the Jambul and Southern-Kazakhstani regions

   For many years he was a member of the Central committee of the CP of Kazakhstan and deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the KazSSR, member of the politbureau of the Jambul, Almaty, Chimkent regional parties. He finished the Higher party school and defended the candidate dissertation.

   From 1965 to 1978 he is first secretary of the Almaty obkom of the CP of Kazakhstan. In those times the capital of the republic acquired its own peculiar architectural and cultural style. In Askarov’s rule there was widely begun the mastering of the Akdaly and Shengeldy irrigated massives in the Kurty and Kapchagai zones near Almaty. In the spring, 1978 A.Askarov was appointed first secretary of the Chimkent obkom of the CP of Kazakhstan. There were built in his rule the power electrical station TETS-3, there were erected multistory buildings which embelished the center of Chimkent city.

   A.Askarov made a considerable contribution into the development of the economy and culture of Kazakhstan. President of the foundation after Mukhammed Khaidar Dulati, the honorary citizen of the Chimkent (1994), Taraz (1996), Southern-Kazakhstani regions (2001).

   By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the achievements of the high results and labour heroism A.Askarov was awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labour, five times awarded by the order of Lenin, twice by the order of the Red Banner, by the order of October revolution and by other state awards.

   A.Askarov is the author of multiple works and articles on socio-economic and agrucultural issues.

   There at the book exhibition are presented materials on the life and labour activity of Asanbai Askarov: Kazak Sovet encyclopaediasy (1975), Kazakstan. Ulttyk encyclopaedia (2004), Khalyk perzenty (2002). The works: “Tagdyr: alem, el, ken baitak Kazakstan olkeleri omirinen korgen-bilgen, bastan keshirgen khikayalary” (1992),“Zhumak pen tozak zhyrlary: olender, tolgaular men poema” (1992),“Uly Turannyn uldary” (1998),“Men elimmen birgemyn…” (2003),“Tagdyr - Destiny” (2007),“Kozkaras - View” (2007).

We invite you to visit the book exhibition!

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