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   Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia Balabekova G.K. participated in the work of the Third council of the National Commissions and Committees on UNESCO affairs members of TURKSOI.

   The council took place within the framework of the Year “Astana – cultural capital of the Turkic world” and was aimed at the strengthening of cooperation of the National Commissions and Committees on UNESCO affairs members of TURKSOI in all general trends of activity of these Organizations.

   There in the council participated representatives of 14 states and autonomous regions that enter the TURKSOI, Russia, and also the leadership of TURKSOI, the Turkic council and regional offices of UNESCO.

   There at the opening of the Council with the word of greeting spoke: the Minister of foreign affairs of the RK Erzhan Kazykhanov, Chairman of the National commission of the RK on UNESCO and ISESCO affairs Imangali Tasmagambetov, General secretary of the Council for cooperation of the Turkic-lingual states (the Turkic Council) Khalil Akyndji, General director of TURKSOI Dyuisen Kaseyinov and the Head of the UNESCO Cluster office in Almaty Sergei Lazarev.

   When speaking with the word of greeting, the Minister of foreign affairs of the RK E.Kazykhanov paid attention to the fact that “all the more attention of the leadership of the Turkic-lingual countries and the regions is attracted the prospect of political, economic and, indubitably, cultural cooperation, based on the commonality of the lignual space, history and culture” and informed about the initatives of Kazakhstan on the announcement of the International decade of getting cultures together for the period 2013-2022within the framework of the forthcoming session of the UNO General Assembly.

   There within the framework of the council was carried out the ceremony of awarding a special diploma of UNESCO and the awarding to the Korgaldjyn reserve the status of biospheric reserve of UNESCO. There were also discussed the issues of inventorying of objects of cultural, natural and documentary heritage. The participants considered the national registers of members of TURKSOI in all directions, and also determined priorities of preparation of multinational applications in the lists and registers of UNESCO.

   Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia Balabekova G.K. as co-chair headed the sectional session “The formation of the Register of objects of documentary heritage of the Turkic world and determination of joint multinational applications for the presentation to the World list of documentary heritage of UNESCO “Memory of the world” in the nearest future”.

   There within the framework of the cultural programme of the council was organized the children’s artistic exhibition under the aegis  of the Kazakhstani Federation of clubs of UNESCO, and also there took place the international festival of traditional performing art “The music of the Great steppe” held within the framework of the Year “Astana – cultural capital of the Turkic world”.

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