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   Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia (LAE) Balabekova G.K. participated in the work of the International congress “The National library as the phenomenon of culture” (September 5-7, 2012, Belarus, Minsk city) timed to the 90-th birthday of the National library of Belarus.

   There in the congratulation of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan it was noted that the National library of Belarus implements at a high level the cultural-enlightenment mission directed upon the satisfaction of the spiritual, intellectual and cultural needs of modern society. The library has a modern building, the newest equipment and technologies, comfortable conditions for the servicing of readers, which are at the world standard level.

   There at the plenary and sessional sittings of the congress were discussed the themes:“The National libraries within the system of the libraries of the world: the forms and directions of interaction”, “The National library as the cultural-informational centre of modern society”, “The world informational infrastructure and interlibrary interaction”, “The role and place of the libraries in the information society: the humanistic and technocratic prognostications” and others. There at the plenary session headed: R.S.Motulski, director-general of the National library of Belarus, G.K.Balabekova, director-general of the National library of the RK.

   There within the framework of the Congress also took place: the Regional consultations of UNESCO on the issues of open access to scientific information and researches, the XIV-th General meeting of the Non-commercial partnership “The Library Assembly of Eurasia”, the VIII-th International book-study readings “The historical book collections in time and space”, the International panel “The preservation of historical book collections of Belarus”.

   Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia Balabekova G.K. participated in the work of the XIV-th General meeting of the Non-commercial partnership “The Library Assembly of Eurasia”. There was discussed the activity of the LAE in 2011-2012, the addition to the Model library code of the CIS (copyright), the jubilee edition of the magazine “The LAE Herald”, the application to the Interstate Foundation of humanitarian cooperation for the carrying out of the international seminar on book monuments and book exchange, interdepartmental coordination of acquisitions of the national libraries with the libraries of other departments. The National libraries of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan made the presentations of the new buildings and conceptions of their libraries.

   Also there between the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National library of Belarus was signed the Agreement on cooperation.

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