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   There in the department of world literature opened the book exhibition dedicated to the greatest scientist of the Middle Asia of the X-XI-th centuries Ibn-Sina (Avicenna) and the 1000-th anniversary of the creation of the encyclopaedia “The canon of medical sceince”…

    Abu Ali al-Gusein Ibn-Abdallah Ibn-Sina (Latinized – Avicenna) - the renowned philosopher and physician, was born in 980 in Afshem. In Bukhara he studied mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine, he was the physician in court of the Samanide and Daulemite sultans, for some time he was the councillor in Gamadan, then he settled in Ispagani and died during the military trip of the emir Alayed-Daud in Gamadan in 1037.

   As the genuine scientist with encyclopaedic knowledge Ibn-Sina worked with great success almost in all the spheres of knowledge. The sources mention more than 450 titles of his works, but the number of works that have reacehed us number approximately 240. They embrace such spheres of science like philosophy, medicine, logic, psychology, natural studies, astronomy, mathematics, music, chemistry, ethics, literature, linguistics etc.

   But the main genius work of Ibn-Sina which brough him fame for many centuries in all the cultural world is the greatest in significance and content monument of culture “The canon of medical science” written in 1012-1024.  This is in fact a real medical encyclopaedia, in which there is narrated with logical clarity everything which pertains to the prophylaxis and treatment of illnesses. In “The canon of medical science” and also in anumber of special works in medicine-study (“The book about medicines”, “On the qualities of chicory”, “On the qualities of vinegar - lida” etc.). Ibn Sina not only united the disunited experience of the past but formed a number of principle postulates of the rational formation.

    The encyclopaedia of theoretical and clinical medicine “The canon of medical science” consists of five books, and each book in its turn is divided into parts (fan), departments (djumla), articles (makala) and paragraphs (fasl). In his natural-scientific and medical works Ibn Sina sums up the views and experience of the Greek, Roman, Indian and Middle-Asian physicians, developes the teachings of the prominent representatives of ancient medicine (Hippocratus, Galen and others) and also presents the results of his researches and observations. “The canon of medical science” up to the XVII-th century was the main medical guide-book in the Oriental countries as well as Occidental (approximately 30 Latin editions).

    Already in the XII-th century it was translated from Arabic into Latin by Gerard of Kremon (1114-1187), in the XIII-th century – ancient Judaic and became widespread in multiple manuscripts. After the invention of book-printing in the XV-th century among the first editions was also “The canon”.

    Among the works written by Ibn Sina in Arabic and Persian there are kasyds, gazels and rubais, and also multivolume works.

    There at the exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK there are presented the works of the author and literature about him in many languages: “The alive one, the son of the awakened”, “The message about the bird”,“Salaman and Absal”, “The book of healing”,“The book of instructions and edifications”, “The canon of medical science” (in 5 parts), Ternovski V.N. “Ibn Sina (Avicenna)” and others.

     Dear readers! We invite you to visit the book exhibition and become acquainted with the genius works of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)!

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