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   On September 5, 2012 at 15:00 hours there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the memorial meeting  dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the people’s writer of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the RK, the well-known Kazakh poet S.Maulenov.

   There within the framework of the activity was organized the book-illustrative exhibition named “Syrshyl lyrikanyn sultany” on the life and creative activity of S.Maulenov.

   The moderator of the evening was the professor of the Almaty academy of economics and statistics, candidate of science (philology), professor Onalbayeva Kulyash Kairanasyrovna.

    There at the activity spoke: the chairman of the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Orazalin, the well-known poet Mynbai Rash, the poetess, the winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marfuga Aitkhozhina, the journalist-writer, chief editor of the republican newspaper “Kazak” Kogabai Sarsekeyev, the critic, chief editor of the magazine “Syn” Bakhyt Sarlabayev, the poet Amankhan Alim and others. There also spoke the daughter of S.Maulenov – Sakhypzhamal Maulenova. The students of the Republican variety-circus college after Zh.Elebekov read the verses of S.Maulenov.

   The participants of the evening were: the family of S.Maulenov, the well-known Kazakhstani writers, prominent public figures, scientists, the literary and creative public, librarians of Almaty city, readers, representatives of mass-media.

    Syrbai Maulenov was born on September 17, 1922 in the Djangildy district of the Kostanai rehion. The creative activity of S.Maulenov began in the second half of the 1930-s. it was then that the readers became acquainted with his first poetic endeavors. The first experiences in verses clearly showed what a fresh, life-loving and bright gift had come to the Kazakh written literature. In 1941 S.Maulenov was called to the front, where he served as deputy commander of the shooting company, later on as the political leader. He was heavily wounded during the breaking of the Leningrad blockade. After the war he worked as editor of the newspaper “Kazak adebiety” and the magazine “Zhuldyz”. There to the poet belong the translations of the verses by A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov, N.A.Nekrasov, M.V.Lomonosov, G.Bairon, V.V.Mayakovski and a number of prominent poets from the neighbouring republics. S.Maulenov created several children’s books, he published two books of publicistic articles written in different times. There in the creative activity of S.Maulenov one can clearly see the attitude of the warrior-poet, poet-citizen and poet-lyric.

    S.Maulenov is awarded with the orders and medals for the participation in the Great patriotic war, he has the title of the people’s writer of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the Kazakh SSR after Abai, “The Badge of Honour” and the silver medal after A.A.Fadeyev. there were named after S.Maulenov the streets and schools in the cities of Almaty, Astana, Kostanai, Kyzylorda, Arkalyk.

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