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   From August 23 to September 3, 2012 the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan was visited by the well-known Polish linguist, professor, specialist in Oriental and Turkic studies Henryk Jankowski.

   The purpose of the visit is the assistance to the library in the study and research, carrying out of the expertise of the manuscript “Shakhname” written in the Orinetal-Turkic (Chagatai) language. The manuscript “Shakhname” in 2012 was nominated by the National library for the inclusion into the register of the International “Memory of the world” UNESCO Programme.

   Henryk Jankowskiin 1980 received the bachelor degree in Budapest (Hungary), defending the qualification work in Bulgarian-study and Hungarian Turkology. In 1986 he received the degree of candidate of science in the sphere of general linguistics and Urals-Altai linguistics.

   From 1991 to 1993 he taught at the Budapest university. At the present time Henryk Jankowski is a scientific worker at the university after Adam Mitskiewicz in Poznan city (Poland), where he heads the section of Turkic studies, Mongol-studies and Korean-studies.

  Professor Jankowski is a member of the Polish academy of sciences, and also he occupied the post of vice-president of the Polish society of Oriental studies.

   The sphere of his scientific interests includes the Turkic languages (in particular, the Crimean-Tartar, Karayim and Kazakh), and also their contacts with other languages of the world.

    He is the author of multiple publications on the issues of language and culture of the Turkic peoples.

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