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   There in the department “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the people’s writer and poet of Kazakhstan, cinema script-writer Dmitry Feodorovich Snegin.

Dmitry Feodorovich Potseluyev (Snegin) (7.11.1912 – 30.03.2001) was born in the city of Vernyi on November 7, 1912. He graduated from the Kazakh agricultural institute in 1935 with the speciality of agronomist-fruit grower.

   In 1934 there was published the first collection of his verses “The Wind from the East”.

   In the autumn of 1936 he was called to the army, after a year, passing all the exams, he became the officer-artillerist. He participated in the Great Patriotic war.

   In 1937-1941 he worked as deputy executive editor of the magazine “Literature and art of Kazakhstan”. There are published in Almaty his poetic collections “Semirechye”, “My city”.

  In 1945-1952 he was chief editor of the magazine “Kazakhstan”, in 1956-1960 –deputy chief editor of the repu7blican satirical magazine “Ara” – “The Bumble-bee”, in 1961-1963, 1967-1971 – chief editor of the magazine “Prostor”, in 1971-1982 – secretary of the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan.

   D.F.Snegin is one of the first Russian poets who write on Kazakh themes. In the novel-trilogy “In Verny city” (book 1 – 1956; book 2 – 1959; book 3- 1970) there is depicted the establishment of Soviet power in Almaty. The main motif of the novel “The morning and two steps in the afternoon” (1976) – the merging of personal aspirations with the fight of the people, the frindship between the Russian and Kazakh peoples. Much attention he paid to poetic translations from Kazakh into Russian: he translated the verses of I.Dzhansugurov from the collection “Kenes”, the poems of K.Amanzholov “The thunderstorm”, “Er Tolegen” by N.Baimuratov, the poem of S.Maulenov “The native land” and other works.

  In the short novels “At the far approaches” (1948) and “On the offensive” (1953) about the heroes of the Panfilov division he recreated the true history of the division. By the scripts of D.Snegin there were filmed the feature film “We are from Semirechye” (1959) and a number of documentary films.

  There in 1998 appears the new poetic cycle of D.Snegin “Shanyrak”, “Commemorating another Victory date”, “For the memory of my Zorka”. The last poem is dedicated to the much loved wife Alexandra Yakovlevna.

  The year 2001 is marked by the qualitatively new creation – “The tape-recorder 000001… or the Pranks of Rustam”. Its unusual content and forms allowed some critics who paid attention to it, to call it an “avant-garde-existentialist” work. The narrator-storyteller D.Snegin is an active participant of the events, the main personage of the detective story.

   One of the last creations of Dmitry Snegin was the book about his battle-front brother, the outstanding theoretician of military thought, the Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly “Open to everybody – Arysym edi-au, Bauyrzhan” (it was translated into Kazakh by Abilmazhin Zhumabayev). The friendship bewteen D.Snegin and B.Momysh-uly was tested by the war, the times of stagnation and the epoch of perestroika. It was already after the death ofSnegin that there took place the premiere demonstration of the documentary film “…Love my Bauyrzhan” (the director of the film is Igor Gonopolskiy). The co-author of the cinema film was Dmitry Snegin. It was namely to him as the nearest one of the friends that B.Momyshuly left all his diaries.

   The people’s writer D.Snegin is awarded by the orders of the USSR – of the Patriotic war of the 1-st degree, the Red Banner, the Red Star, “The Badge of Honour”, “The Friendship of the Peoples” and those of the Republic of Kazakhstan – “Parasat” and other medals. He is the Laureate of the Presidential prize for peace and spiritual concord. 

   There at the book exhibition are presented materials about the life and creative activity of the writer, and also the literary-fiction works by D.F.Snegin: “The negotiator comes out from the Reichstag” (1982), “In Verny city”, “At the far approaches” (1964, 1983), “Buryngy Almatyda” (Books 1,2,3, 1974),“The morning and two steps in the afternoon” (1982, 1983),“In those days and always” (2005) and multiple articles about the writer, the essays published in different years in the Kazakhstani periodical editions.

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