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   Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan G.K.Balabekova participated in the scientific-practical conference “Kazakhstan – UNO: 20 years of cooperation”, dedicated to the 20-th year of the entry of Kazakhstan to the UNO and made the report named “The cooperation of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the United Nations Organization”.

  The conference took place on February 15, 2012 in the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizers of the conference are: the Ministry of foreign affairs together with the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the organizations of the UNO system in Kazakhstan.

   The moderators of the conference: I.I.Musalimov, the head of chairmanship of the MFA of the RK, A.A.Akhmetov, head of department of the UNO. There in the conference participated the representatives of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the RK, the UNO, diplomatic missions.

   There at the conference were discussed the main stages of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the UNO, there were determined the prospects of the further widening participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the solution of the topical world problems within the framework of multilateral diplomacy.

   G.K.Balabekova in her report gave information about the multiyear cooperation between the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the UNO, as the result of which there was opened the Information development center of the five biggest international organizations working in Kazakhstan – the Asian development bank, the World bank, the Eurasian development bank, the Islamic development bank and the United Nations Organization.

   The cooperation between the National library and the United Nations Organization begins in 1994. As for today there number in the fond of the National library approximately 3000 copies of editions of the UNESCO and UNO. In the 18 years of joint work the National library of the RK and the United Nations Organization carried out activities by the following trends:

-          The carrying out of seminars, conferences, panels and a number of other activities for the purpose of development of information technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also dedicated to the activity of the UNO and UNESCO in Kazakhstan;

-          The celebration of memorable and jubilee dates of the great figures of the Kazakh people that entered the UNESCO calendar;

-          The carrying out of seminars, conferences on the problems of preservation of documentary written heritage of the libraries and archibves of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   In conclusion G.K.Balabekova expressed readiness also in future to continue the fruitful cooperation with the UNO, UNESCO and other international organizations.

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