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   On July 3, 2012 at 11:00 there at the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan will take place the presentation of the book by academician of the International academy of sciences, honoured figure of science of the Russian Federation, councillor of the General secretary of the Eurasian economic community (EvrAzES) O.I.Karpukhin “The unknown Rayevskiy”, published by the Russian publishing-house “Russkiy raritet”.

   Oleg Ivanovich Karpukhin – the state and public figure, scientist, honoured figure of art of the Russian Federation, cultural-study specialist, doctor of science (sociology), professor. One of the greatest researchers of the life and creative activity of the writer N.A.Rayevskiy (1894-1988).

  The book by O.Karpukhin “The unknown Rayevskiy” is about the Russian writer and researcher of the life and creative activity of A.S.Pushkin. the books of N.Rayevskiy about Pushkin and his contemporaries “If the portraits start speaking”, “The portraits started speaking”, “Pavel Voinovich Nashchokin”, “The last love of the poet” enjoyed great popularity and were rightfully acknowledged  by the scientists-Pushkin study specialists. N.A.Rayevskiy with great mastery enthralled the reader with his scientific search, interestingly narrating about the secret or little-known episodes in the life of the great poet and his environment.

   In the new book by O.Karpukhin there are published for the first time the works discovered in the archives of Moscow and Prague written by N.Rayevskiy after the Civil war in emigration, the materials about the unknown pages of his life, the letters addressed to him by V.V.Nabokov and also a letter of Iv.Lukash. by publishing them, the author again directs us to the circumstances in the life of the big master yet unknown for us and opens up for us the unknown Rayevskiy – one of the most prominent Russian writers.

   There within the framework of the activity will be demostrated the documentary film “The life for the Motherland” by the well-known director, honoured figure of arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of cinematographers and the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan Alexander Golovinskiy. This film was shot during the life of N.Rayevskiy in 1987.

  The moderator of the activity will be the well-known Kazakjstani poet, novelist Dyuisenbek Nakipov.

   There in the presentation will participate the literary critics, writers, chief editors of the literary magazines and newspapers, librarians of Almaty city, representatives of mass-media.

   The contact telephone: 267-28-66.

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