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   There in the foyer of the National library of the RK is organized the book exhibition named “December 1 – The Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” .

    The purpose of the book exhibition is to show the historical role of the first President of the RK in the establishment and development of sovereign, economically independent Kazakhstan, his merits in the modernization and transformation of Kazakhstani society.

    The exhibition is dedicated to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the founder of the new independent state, the Leader of the Nation, who guaranteed the unity and development of the country, and its international acknowledgement. There are represented on it more than 2000 editions in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages from the fond of the National library of the RK.

    The first part “Tauyelsyz Kazakstan” (“Independent Kazakhstan”) is dedicated to sovereign Kazakhstan where there is presented literature that depicts the history of the formation and development of our state. Among the documents in this part there are encyclopaedias, albums, books.

    In the second part “Oi bolistym khalkymen” (“I shared my thoughts with the people”) there are presented books, reports and speeches, addresses, greetings and congratulations, interviews and articles of N.Nazarbayev. Among them there are the books:

·         “Without rightists or leftists”,

·         “5 years of Independence”,

·         “The lessons of history and modern times”,

·         “The Kazakhstani way”,

·         “The flows of history”,

·         “In the heart of Eurasia”,

·         “The 10 years that equal a century”,

·         “The critical decade”,

·         “The strategy of transformation of society and revival of Eurasian civilization” and many others.

   The next part “Omiry men kyzmety” (“The life and activity”) includes literature about the biography, the years of studying and the beginning of the labour activity of the First President of the RK, the election of the President of the RK and the inauguration, the international awards and honorary titles.

   In the fourth part “Memleket zhane Prezident” (“The State and the President”) there is presented literature about the presidential power of the Rkand the state administration, the legislative-legal policy, the Constitution of the RK.

   After that comes the part “Ishky sayasat” (“Domestic policy”), where there is presented literature about the economic and social policy of the President of the RK, about the new capital of Astana and the regions of Kazakhstan, the national policy and the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, about the activity of the party “Nur-Otan”, the youth etc.

   In the part named “Syrtky sayasat” (“Foreign policy”) there is presented literature about the international relations with the near and far foreign countries, participation in the international organizations: SHOS, SVMDA, the European Union, the OSCE etc.

   We invite you to visit the book exhibition!




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