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     Presentation  of the book of  distinguished Kazakhstan scientist, public figure Srym Bukeikhanov “Dear my Almaty people” took place in the hall of Librarianship of the National library of the RK on 16 of November 2012 at 11 o’clock.

    Srym  Bukeikhanov is a great-nephew of a prominent figure of Alasch-Orda Alikhan Bukeikhanov, a well-known scientist, a public figure. S.Bukeikhanov was born and grew up in Almaty. He is a graduate from the  Leningrad engineering-building Institute, post-graduate study, in 1970 he defended candidat thesis in the Moscow Engineering Institute. He worked as a Head of laboratory of mechanics of laser systems under Academy of sciences of SSSR, the leader of Almaty engineering center on laser technologies. S.Bukeikhanov worked in scientific Institutes of Moscow city and in Institutions of higher educations of Almaty city.

    S. Bukeikhanov isn’t only the author of many scientific articles in the field of applied mechanics, but also such books as “A spire of Admiralty is seen”, “The streets of our childhood”, “Looking round at Fudzy”, “Labyrinthes of heart”,” My city isn’t  changed another city”,”You  ought not to forget about the past”, “My  city is Almaty”,  “The names of our streets from A to Я”.

    The book “Dear my Almaty people” is a concluding part of the trilogy. He devoted to history of coming into being of southern capital the first part of the trilogy “My city is Almaty”, was published in 2009.  “The names of our streets from A to Я” was published in 2010. He tells in it about 600 streets of Almaty, and about people  in honour whom they are named.

    The author gives portraits in this book of his contemporaries, with  whom his fate  intersected during his life. The author used in writing this book  his diaries, archives materials, articles and memoirs about meetings and conversations with his contemporaries. All of them live in our city now. Possibly, it is interesting to know for Almaty people about them, whom author calls a proud name – “ Almaty person”. Characters of the book as mosaic create a portrait of the generation, whose life confine into period from war years till the present time.

    The moderator of the presentation was a well-known journalist, a writer, a member Journalist’s and Writer’s Union of Kazakhstan, a head of the department of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” Eduard Dgilkibaev.

    Prominent writers, public figures, specialists in study of literature, students of Institutes, librarians of Almaty and representatives of mass-media took part in the presentation.


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