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    On November 29, 2012 at 11:00 hours there in the Hall of librarianship will take place the presentation of the 7-volume collection of works by the well-known writer, dramaturgist, winner of the State prize of the RK Dulat Isabekov published by “Atamura”. The activity is timed for the 70-th birthday. 

    Dulat Isabekov (20.12.1942) – a writer, dramaturgist, winner of the State prize of the RK (1992). In 1966 he graduated from the Kazakh state university after S.Kirov (now the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi). In 1967-68 he worked as chief editor in the State committee of the Council of Ministers of the KazSSR on radio-broadcasting and television, in 1968-1970 – senior scientific worker of the editorial staff of “Kazak Sovet encyclopaediasy”, in 1971-1976 – head of department of the editorial staff of “Zhuldyz” magazine. In 1971-1976 he was member of the editorial council of “Zhalyn” publishing house, in 1980-88 – chief editor of the repertoire-editorial colleagiate of the Ministry of culture of the KazSSR. From 1998 – director of the Kazakh scientific-research institute of culture and art-study, now chief editor of “Madeniyet” magazine. Awarded with the “Kurmet” order.

   His first short stories were published in 1963 in the collections “Zholda” and “Zamandastar”. After that there were published the collections of short novels and stories: “Beket” (1966), “Ashchy bal” (1969), “Mazasyz kyunder” (1970), “Kara shanyrak” (1973), “Tyrshilik” (1975) and the novel “Kargyn” (1980). The selected short novels “Eki zhiyrma” saw the light in 1983.

   The plays of D.Isabekov “Rektordyn kabyldau kyunderi” (1975), “Apke” (1977),“Ertengi kyutu” (1979), “Muragerler” (1982),“Alystan kelgen ananas” (1984), “Kishkentai auyl” (1986) entered the permanent repertoire of the republican and regional theatres of the country.

   For the play “Muragerler” the author received in 1985 the Prize after Mukhtar Auezov.

  The works of the writer were translated in the Hungarian, Polish, German, Czech and other languages of the world and entered the permanent repertoire of the theatres of Izrael, Russia, Czechia, France and Germany.

  There by the works of the author “Gaukhar tas” (director Sh.Beisembayev, 1975), “Dermene” (director A.Ashimov, 1986) were made the motion pictures.

  There into the 7-volume collection of D.Isabekov entered the selected works that had previously entered the five-volume collection (“Olke” publishing house), and also the short novels and stories of the past years. There into the new collection entered also his unpublished translations of the works by F.Dostoyevski “The white nights”, the stories by A.P.Chekhov.

  The moderator of the presentation will be the well-known poet, the winner of the International literary prize “Alash”, the holder of the titles “Madeniyet kairatkeri”, director-general of the newspaper “Zhas Kazak yuni” – Kazybek Isa.

  There in the evening will participate the well-known writers and poets of Kazakhstan, public figures, literary-study specialists, the students from the institutes, librarians of Almaty city, readers and representatives of mass-media.

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