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    There in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the outstanding scientist, doctor of science (physics & mathematics), corresponding member of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR Bazarbai Mambetovich Urazbayev.

    Urazbayev Bazarbai Mambetovich (1912-1981) was born in the village Karaungur of the Southern-Kazakhstani region. Having lost his parents at an early age, he was brought up in the Tashkent children’s home.

    In 1935 he graduated from the physical-mathematical faculty of the Leningrad state university after A.Zhdanov (today St.-Petersburg).

    The scientific activity of B.Urazbayev begins in the period when he was studying at the post-graduate course of the Kazan university under the leadership of the outstanding Soviet algebraist, corresponding member of the Academy of sciences of the USSR N.G.Chebotarev.

   All the conscious life of the scientist is closely linked with the Kazakh state pedagogical institute (today the Kazakh national pedagogical university after Abai). During 1937-1981 he worked as head of the chair “Algebra and the theory of numbers”, combining work in the Sector of mathematics and mechanics of the Kazakh affiliate of the Academy of sciences of the USSR.

   His main scientific works B.Urazbayev dedicated to the problems of algebra and the theory of numbers. Investigating the regularities of placement of numbers in the Abel field, he contributed heavily in the sphere of algebraic and analytical theory. On the way to the solution of the complicated mathematical tasks in the theory of analitical numbersa and the Galua theory, with the beginning of the outstanding algebraists of our times B.N.Delon and D.K.Fadeyev, Urazbayev  showed himself as an outstanding mathematician and achieved great heigths. In 1964 the scientist defends the doctoral dissertation by the theme “The asymptotic laws of distribution of absolutely Abel fields” and he was awarded the title of professor, in 1967 he becomes corresponding member of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR.

   He is the author of more than 100 scientific works and also textbooks in the Kazakh language for higher educational establishments.

   For the achievement of high results in the sphere of education B.Urazbayev was awarded the title of “Honoured figure of science of the KazSSR”, “Honoured worker of higher school of the USSR”, for the labour activity he was twice awarded the order of “Labour Red Banner” and the order “Badge of Honour”.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life and labour activity, scientific works of B.M.Urazbayev, among them: “Orys khalkynyn uly matematigy Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevskiy” (1948), “Orys khalkynyn uly matematigy Pafnutiy Lvovich Chebyshev” (1950), “Sandar teoriyasy” (1970) and multiple articles published in the scientific journals.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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