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     Presentation of  the book of a  prominent  Kazakhstan  poet, a writer,  a Commander  of the Order  ”Parasat,”   Laureate  of  the  International   Literary  Prize “Alash”, Elitor-in-chief  of the literary and art  magazine “Prostor”  Valeryi  Mikhailov  “ Galamat  zhut  shezheresy,  issued  by  publishing-house  “Mektep”  will  take place  in the Librarianship Hall on 27 November 2012  at  11 o’clock.

     Valeryi   Fedorovich  Mikhailov was  born  in Karaganda in 1946. He  graduated  from  Kazakh Polytechnical   Institute ,  the  Faculty of  Geophysics.  Since  1997  he  had  worked  as  an Editor-in-chief of  the  newspaper  “Kazakhstanskaya  pravda”, since 2003 he has been as an  Editor-in-chief  of  the literary  and  art  magazine  “Prostor”.  Since 1087 he is  a member  of  Writers’ Union  and the Secretary  on   the   board,  Corresponding  Member  of  an  Academy of poetry  (Moscow).

    He  is  an  author  of  more  than  20 books  of  collections  of poems  and prose, published  in  Kazakhstan  and  in Russia, documentary  tale  “Chronicle  of  the  great  jute” (1990, 1996), “The  great jute”(2008),   collections  of essays:  “Heart  for chant”, “Piece of news” (1994), “Flicker-free light” (1996), collections  of  poems  “Direct  speech” (1983),  “Annual  candle” (2006), “Russian chaos”  (2007), “Solanum”,  “Angle of heart” (2008).

    In   2012  for  80-years  of  tragic events   of  the mass  starvation in  1932-33  in Kazakhstan  came out  a new  book  of  V. Mikhailov  “Galamat  zhut  shezhyresy”,  issued  by  publishing –house , “Mektep”.  This book  is  a  more  complete  translation of  Gusman  Zhandybaev  books  “Chronicle  of the  great  jute” and  “The  great  jute”  into  Kazakh,  which  had  a circulation of 10 thousand  copies.

    “Galamat  zhut shezhyresy” is the first  large  research of  sources, reasons  and character of the  great Kazakh  tragedy,  taken  place  at  the  beginning  of  the  thirties. Then  under  the  guise  of complete  collectivization  Bolsheviks  attempted  to  implement  ethnocide  --  annihilation  of the  people.  Technology  of  bolshevik  ethnocide  is disclosed  in the book,  are provided evidence of those, who  survived  during  the  period  of  mass  starvation.    V.Mikhailov’s  documentary  tale   tells  us   for  the  first  time about  it,  what  occurred  in that  early  years  in Kazakhstan.  There were tens  of  thousands  exiled  onto  Kazakh  land  “special  settlers”  --  Russians, Ukrainians  and representatives of  other nationalities.

    Participants:  well-known  writers   and  poets  of  Kazakhstan,  public  figures,  specialists  in study  of  Literature,  students  of  Institutes,  librarians of Almaty city, readers  and  representatives  of  mass-media.



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