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    The panel “Publishing in the space of cultural tradition and  innovation” organized  by the National  State  Book Chamber  took  place  in the  National  library  of  the   RK  on  12  October  2012  within  the  framework  of  the  book  exhibition  “The  role of  the  Book  in  the  chronicle  of  the  Independent Kazakhstan.

    The  President  of association  of publishers  and  book-distributors  of Kazakhstan,  Director  of the National   State   Book  Chamber  of  the  RK   gave  introductory  word.  In   work  of  the  panal    the  head  of  the  administration  of  publishing  programs of  the  Commitee  of information  and  archives  of  the Ministry  of Culture  and  Information  of  the  RK  N. Toguzbaev,  Director  of  the south  branch  “RGP Kaz InSt”   N.Saymasaev,  representatives  of  publishing –houses,  publishers, members  of  the Writers’ Union  of Kazakhstan,  creative  intelligentsia,  students  of Institutes  and  pupils of schools, gymnasiums  of Almaty city  took  part.

    Collaborators  of  the  National  State  Book  Chamber  of  the  RK  made report:  academic  secretary  B.Derbisalina  on  theme  “Projects  of national  standarts  SIBID  in  publishing”,  the  head  of  the  department  ‘Receiving  and  control”  M.Balapanova  --  “Demands  to  drawing  up  of  imprint  of book  publications  by  GOST  7.4—1995.  “Publications. Imprint”,  the  head   of  inquiry-searching  department  K.Amirova  - “Publishing  annotation  by GOST  7.86-2004.  “Publications.  General  demands to  publishing  annotation”  and  others.

   At   the  penal   were  considered  matters  of  support  and  development  of  book  market ,  actuality  of  working  out  national  standarts  for  publishing,  about  increasing  of limit for publishing  of  books by  the  state  program  “ Publishing   of  socially - important  kinds  of  literature",  about  necessity  of liquidation   of  low   level   readers’  and  general – cultural  competence,  forming  of  motivation  to  reading.



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