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    On December 14, 2012 at 14:00 there in the Exhibition hall of the National library of the RK took place the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 125-th birthday of the prominent figure of the Alash party, professional lawyer, state figure, translator Zhanshi (Zhakhansha) Dosmukhamedov.

   The organizers: The akimat of Almaty city, the National library of the RK, the Public foundation “Kairatker” after Zh.Dosmukhamedov, the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ualikhanov, the Kazakh National university after al-Farabi.

     The moderator at the conference was the director of the Institute of history and ethnography after Sh.Ualikhanov, doctor of science (history), professor Abzhanov Khangeldy Makhmutovich.

   There at the conference spoke the academician, the leading prominent scientist Sartayev Sultan Sartayevich, professor of the Kazakh National university after al-Farabi, doctor of science (law), the scientific researcher of the legacy of Zh.Dosmukhamedov Zabikh Sholpan Arapbayevna, doctor of science (history), deputy director of the Institute of history and ethnography after Sh.Ualikhanov Smagulova Svetlana Odepovna, candidate of science (history), chief editor of the magazine “Centr-Aziyi”, director of the Institute of world economics and p[olitics at the Foundation of the First President of the RK (the nephew of Kh.Dosmukhamedov) Akimbekov Sultan Magrupovich, chairamn of the Association of the victims of political repressions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the International foundation after Abai Ashuyev Zhumabek, the founder of the public foundation “Kairatker” after Zh.Dosmukhamedov Mambetov Bakhtygali Esimkhayirovich. The speakers marked the scientific, public and political activity of Zh.Dosmukhamedov.

   Before the opening of the conference there was demonstrated the documentary film “Azattyk kurbany” dedicated to the 125-th birthday of Zh.Dosmukhamedov.

   There within the framework of the activity was organized the book exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK “Alashtyn ardakty kairatkeri”. There at the book exhibition for the first time were presented the rare editions of Zh.Dosmukhamedov, published in different years, the literature about him, the archival materials about his public activity as the Alashorda activist, political and state figure, a special place is occupied by his articles about the eduication in the national autonomy and the formation of the independent state.

   There at the conference participated: the well-known writers, prominent public figures, scientists, the literary and creative public, librarians of Almaty city, readers, students of the Academy of the Minstry of internal affairs of the RK and the higher educational establishments of Almaty city, mass-media representatives.



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