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   There in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of birthday of the public and state figure, outstanding literary study specialist, doctor of science (philology) Adi Sharipov.

   Sharipov Adi (1912-1993) was born in the village Maronivka of the Zharminskiy district of the Eastern-Kazakhstani region. In 1938 he graduated from the Kazakh pedagogical institute (now the Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai).

    Adi Sharipov began his labour activity in 1938 as teacher in the schools of the Almaty region. A participant of the Great Patriotic war. During the war he was the political leader of one of the gourilla detachments in Belorussia.

    A.Sharipov for many years occupied responsible state posts. In 1944-1963 – deputy minister, minister of enlightenment of the Kazakh SSR, in 1963-1966 deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers and the minister of foreign affairs of the KazSSR.

   In 1966-1971 – first secretary of the Writers’ Union (WU) of the KazSSR and secretary of the WU of the USSR, in 1971-1979 – director of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the AS of the KazSSR.

    Along with the state activity, Adi Sharipov devoted much time to sceintific work and creative activity in the sphere of fiction. His short novels “Partizan kyzy”, “Ormandagy ot”, “Kapastagy zhuldyzdar”, “Arbasy”, “Ton”, “Ake kabiry basynda” occupy a considerable place in Kazakh prose and a number of his works are widely known to the wide circle of readers. In the historical novel “Sakhara kyzy” the author depicts, based upon historical documents, the real life of the Kazakhs of the Semirechye in the XIX-th century. There in this work are clearly reflected the main contradictions of those times.

   Going abroad, observing the life of other peoples, he wrote the essays and recollections, which became separate books, including “Kanada didary” (“The faces of Canada”). These essays are the testimony that Adi Sharipov always was interested with the life of rank-and-file people, especially he was attracted  by the destiny of the Kazakhs, who came to find themselves abroad. 

   The featur film made by his script “Orman khikayasy”, received a special prize of the minsiter of defence of the USSRat the cinema festival of the Soviet Union in Almaty city and at the cinema festival of the countries of Asia and Afrika in Tashkent city. Many works of the writer are translated into foreign languages.

   As a literary study specialist he created a whole number of works,which have not lost their significance till our days. These are the text-books and readers in Kazakh literature, monographs about the creative activity of the prominent Kazakh writers and poets: “Zh.Sayinnyn omiry men tvorchestvosy” (1964),“Kazirgy dayirmen Kazak adebiyety damuynyn problemalary” (1974),“Kazak adebiyetindegy dastur men zhanashyldyk” (1984),“Syrbai Maulenovtyn tvorchestvosy” (1985) and much more. The general list of his works includes more than 350 scientific and publicistic works, researches in pedagogics and literature study.

   For the creative and public activity Adi Sharipov was awarded by the orders of the USSR – the order of Lenin, of the Patriotic was of the 1-st degree, the Red Banner, twice the oder of the Labour Red Banner, “The Badge of Honour” and other medals. In 1957 he was awarded the title of “Honorary teacher of the Kazakh SSR”. He was elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the KazSSR and Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

   There at the book exhibition are presented materials about the life and activity of A.Sharipov and his works: “Partizan kyzy” (1961, 1965), “Ton”,“Ormandagy ot” (1968), “Alys zhagalaular” (1970), “Kapastagy zhuldyzdar” (1971), selected works in two volumes (1974), “Kazirgy dayirmen Kazak adebiyety damuynyn problemalary” (1974), “Sakhara kyzy” (1979), “Syrbai Maulenovtyn tvorchestvosy” (1985), “Arbasu” (1988) and scientific srticles published in different years in the Kazakhstani periodical editions.

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