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   There in “Kazakstan kitaptar” department is organized a book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the birthday of the state and public figure, doctor of science (history) Serikbai Beisembayev.

   Beisembayev Serikbai Beisembayevich (1912-1989) was born in the Bayanaul district of the Pavlodar region. In 1936 he graduated from the Ukrainian institute of Soviet trade in Kharkov city. In 1936-1937 he served in the ranks of the Red Army, in 1937-1944 he was in the commandment and political composition of the military school in the cities of Minsk, Borisov, Arkhangelsk.

   The service in the Red Army and the work in the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the republic for Beisembayev served as the beginning of the great labout activity. In 1944-1948 he is the deputy director of the Higher party school of Kazakhstan, in 1955-1963 he is the head of the department of science and culture of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan, from 1964 he is the director of the Institute of history of the party under the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan.

   The main works of S.Beisembayev are dedicated to the historical-party thematics, in particular the Soviet national-state building. He is the editor and co-author of a number of works on the history of the party organizations of the Central-Asian republics and Kazakhstan. He assisted in the organization of collection and systematization of archival documents.

   There by the initative of S.Beisembayev, on the basis of the Institute of history of the party was formed the Specialized council for the defence of doctoral dissretations on the history of the Communist party of the Soviet Union, which contributed heavily in the preparation of cadres of historians of the highest qualification.

   Under his immediate participation and leadership there were published the collections: “The essays about the Communist party of Kazakhstan”, “V.I.Lenin about the Central Asia and Kazakhstan”, “The Communist party of Kazakhstan in the resolutions and decisions of the Congresses, conferences and plenums”, the articles “The issues of the history of the Communist party of Kazakhstan” (1964-1981). He is the author of more than 160 works dedicated to different periods of the XIX-th and XX-th centuries, reflecting the most important milestones of the historical path of the Kazakh people. His monographs and collective works entered the golden fond of the historical science of Kazakhstan.

    For his labour achievements and public activity S.Beisembayev was awarded with the orders of the Patriotic war of the 1-st and 2-nd degree,the Red Star, the Labour Red Banner and with medals. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the KazSSR. He is the winner of the State prize after Ch.Ualikhanov.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the scientific works of S.Beisembayev: “Kazakstan Azamat sogysynyn ot-zhalynynda” (1960), “Lenin zhane Kazakstan (1897-1924)” (1970), “Kazakstanda Lenin kurmetine partiyaga adam alu” (1974), “The history of the Kazak SSR (from ancient times to our days) in 5 volumes” (1977, 1980), “Lenin and Kazakhstan” (1987) аnd articles about the life and labour activity published in different years in the Kazakhstani periodical editions.

     We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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