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    A book  exhibition, dedicated   to  one hundredth anniversary of scientist, specialist in  study of Literature, Doctor of Science (Philology) Eleuken Gabdirov is organized in the department  “Kazakhstan kitaptary”.

    Gabdirov Eleuken Hamidollauly (1912-1989) was born in the Inder district, the  Atyrau   region.  He  graduated from the Kazakh State University after S.M.Kirov(now it is KazNU after Al-Farabi), the Department  of the Russian language and Literature.

    In 1944-1962 he  is a lecturer, a senior Lecturer, the  Dean of the Philological Faculty of  the Kazakh State University. In 1962-1976 he is a Senior Researcher, in 1976 – 1987  he  is  in charge  of  the  Department  of  the  Russian  Literature  in  the  Institute  of  Literature  and  Art  after  M.O. Auezov  Academy of Sciences  Kaz.SSR,  since  1987  he  is  a  scientific adviser of this Institute.

   The scientist in study of Literature researched the traditions of socialistic , brought out the nature and significance his aesthetic principles for  development of the national  literatures, considered problems of reflection by  Russian  soviet writers of Kazakhstan reality, the national character, issues of ideological and aesthetic unity of Literatures of the peoples  of SSSR.

   E.Gabdirov  propagandized  among  the  Kazakhstan population  the  creation  of  Russian  and Soviet  writers:  M.Gorkyi,  D. Furmanov,  A.Tolstoy,  M.Sholohov,  L.Leonov  and  others. He  took part  in  the  preparation  of the  collective  work “Essays  on  history of  Russian Soviet  Literature  of  Kazakhstan,” in  it  are considered  such  problems   of  the  Soviet literature, as  Lenin’s ideas about a  role  of  the  working  class  in  the  revolutionary renewal, internationalism  and  the  peoples’ friendship.  He  made  reports  at  the  All-Union  scientific and  theoretical conferences  in  the cities  of  the  former  Soviet Union.

   The  total  list  of  the  scientist includes  more  than  60  scientific and  publicistic  articles.  The  main  direction of  Gabdyrov’s   scientific  activity  is  the  ratio  of  national  and  international  in  the  soviet literature, urgent  problems  of  the  socialist realism  and  the literary  process,  and  also  artistic features  of  Kazakh  writers’ works:  about  the tale  G.Mustafin  “Shiganak  Bersiev” (1948),  to  the  question  about  learning  of  the  novel  of  M. Auezov ‘s  “Abai  zholy” (1950),  about  S.Mukanov’s   SyrDarya”  (1951),  “About  national  and  international  in  the  Soviet  literature” (1978),   “The  great  October -  the major  event  of  the XX -th  century”(1979)  and  others. 

     For  his  merits  E.Gabdirov  was  awarded by  the  Diploma  of  the  Supreme Soviet  of  Kazakh  SSR  and  medals.

    At  the  book  exhibition are  submitted Gabdyrov’s  scientific works  and  materials  about  his  life  and  creation: Gabiden  Mustafin”(1958),  “M.Gorkyi  and  Kazakh  Soviet literature” (1966), “The  working  man  is  the  protagonist of  the  literature” (1977),  “Shabyt  kinary (1978), “About  national and  international  in the soviet literature”(1978), “The  writer  and  the reality”(1984), and  also his articles, published in different  years  in  Kazakhstan publications.

    We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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